6 Ways to Treat Yo’self on Valentine’s Day | Bookmans
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and as all the blissfully happy couples make reservations for romantic dinners and “surprise” each other with roses, chocolate or whatever it is you get boys (ties?), some of us are left without a date to the dance. That’s totally cool by the way, we’ll keep being awesome. This V-day, when stupid cupid hasn’t made his mark on you, Bookmans has plenty of ideas for great dates that are sure to help you fight off the Valentine-less blues. Here are six ways to treat yo’self on Valentine’s Day. All the single ladies (and gents)…
Read some Deadpool.
Don’t want to be reminded of your single-don even though it’s tubular and you should embrace your independence? Pickup a few single issues of Deadpool or better yet one of the Deadpool graphic novels. Spend the day with the mentally ill, potty mouthed and completely unpredictable mercenary that is Deadpool. His shenanigans and wise cracks will keep you entertained all day as this “Merc with a Mouth” collects his bounty and breaks the forth wall over and over again.
Leave sentiment behind with game night.
If you have some friends sharing your #singlespower vibes on Valentine’s Day, invite them over for game night. Get sent to jail in Monopoly or get ruthless with Jenga. If you want to get real crazy grab a 1000 piece puzzle and go to town. You’ll forget all about candy-hearts and going steady and feel good wrapped in humor (alone or not).
Watch any of the Jackass movies.
Whether it’s the movies, the series, Bad Grandpa or if you just want to make day of it and binge on all Jackass related products. Johnny Knoxville, Steve-o and the gang are hilarious, disgusting and completely non-romantic to encourage those #singleisawesome feels. Be warned, skip the heavy dinner plans because you will most likely lose your appetite.
Cook yourself a meal made up of whatever you want.
Spend the holiday cooking something you have always wanted to try. Like Thai or Mediterranean, or better yet stink up your kitchen and go for seafood. Find foodspiration in cookbooks or magazines that you love looking at regardless of how unrealistic the outcome. If you fail in your attempt to become the next Gordon Ramsay, take solace in the fact that there is no one to disappoint and then order a pizza. Say hello silver linings.
Catch em all.
There is nothing more addicting or distracting than the Pokémon games for Gameboy Advance. Pick up Pokémon Pearl, Sapphire or White. Spend an evening in places like Kanto and Sinnoh capturing pocket monsters and training them to fight each other for sport. Grim, we know, and awesome.
Read a book. Duh.
Finding a novel to read that is completely what YOU want to read, regardless of it all. There are plenty of books on our orange shelves that empower independence and love for yourself. For a little mystery pick up a copy of The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum. If sci-fi is your style then we suggest Enders Game by Orson Scott Card. For nonfiction try Mary Roache’s Stiff: The Curious life of Human Cadavers. All of these are sure to please as you make your way through a Valentine’s evening large and in charge (as in happily enjoying time alone…if that wasn’t clear).
Love is in the air this month and we are all for you and that special someone celebrating each other. On the other hand, if you are to cool to be tied down, then take yourself out. Celebrate being single by doing whatever you want. Help can be found at your local Bookmans. We can not guarantee stock so call ahead if you would like to be sure we have a certain item mentioned. Don’t limit yourself to this list either. Our stores are fully staffed with nerds like you who know the best ways to geek out, so ask for a recommendation.
Happy Valentines Day to all our favorite booky people!
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