You Know You’re From Tucson When…
I’ve lived in Tucson for nearly three years now. I am originally from the small town of Prescott, Arizona. To that end, jumping right into the hustle and bustle of Tucson gave me quite the culture shock. Tucson was a foreign land to me and it took me a while to adjust.
I must say, I have fallen in love with this strange city and am glad to call it home. With three years of living in the desert under my belt, I think I’ve finally figured out what it really means to be a Tucsonan.
You know you’re a Tucsonan when…
You are a University of Arizona Wildcats fan and you don’t even watch basketball or football.
Tucson is filled with over 500,000 people, but you still can’t go anywhere without seeing someone you know.
You have no idea what Daylight Savings Time is.
You aren’t 100% sure how to pronounce “Houghton.”
You know the monthly flavors of Eegees and regularly have a sudden craving for a watermelon Eegee.
Three words… Plants. Fight. Back.
Every other picture on your phone is of a gorgeous sunset.
You think 70 degrees is sweater weather.
Your heart skips a beat every time you see a Why I Love Where I Live shirt.
You see saguaros decorated during the holidays.
The word “snowbird” has deep, resonating meaning to you.
Palo verde beetles EVERYWHERE, every summer.
You are a master at dodging potholes Mission Impossible-style.
You stop by a Bookmans every time you pass by one.
Three years seems like such a short amount of time compared to those who have been lucky enough to live in Tucson for longer. Even with all the ups and downs of our city, I am so glad to be a part of this unique community! Do you know a good, “You know you’re a Tucsonan when?” Tell us in the comments below.
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