Join Tucson Fringe Festival for their 5th Annual Beer With The Bard Pub Crawl on Sunday, April 28, 2019. This is a guided tour of three local Tucson watering holes with a performance or two from (or inspired by) the works of William Shakespeare at each venue. Visit tucsonfringe.org for venue details. Bookmans Tucson stores are giving away a pair of tickets to Shakespeare lovers to the 2 pm crawl on Sunday, April 28th!

This year will start off at Sky Bar on the corner of Fifth Street and Fourth Avenue. This is where presold tickets are retrieved, and other tickets can be purchased along with other fun items. Then you’ll move down the avenue to Passé-Bar/Café for another performance. And finish off the crawl down Fourth Avenue further south at The Boxyard, Fourth Avenue’s newest stylized restaurant, and bar area. The tour begins at 2 PM finishing around 4 PM. You’ll spend approximately 45 minutes at each venue.



Here’s how you can win!

To enter this Ticket giveaway, use our comment section to answer the following question:

Which Shakespeare movie adaptation is your favorite? 

We’ll allow 48 hours for entries – don’t let this chance pass you by. We’ll choose a winner via random.org on April 26. Bookmans will notify winners by e-mail on April 26. We moderate comments so they take some time to appear. One comment is plenty. Giveaway for Tucson only. The winner’s name will be added to the list of ticket buyers for the event.