Behind the Trade Counter: The Many Faces of Zeus
August is Jesus “Zeus” Ozuna’s seven-year Bookmans Phoenix anniversary. He started as a fledgling cashier at the age of 18, moved to Customer Service and then on to Electronics where he has worked for the last four years. In addition to being a staff staple, Zeus is a good sport about stepping in to help with events. In the past year alone, he has played Darth Vader (twice), the Easter Bunny and Vincent Vega, for which he won second place in the staff Halloween costume contest. Zeus is also keen to lend ideas that make great video game, comic and cosplay events. He played a key role in organization of the SabotenCon Preview Night and look for his influence on upcoming events. He’s a cool dad to son Noah, and supplies electric bass and vocals for two local bands. What can’t this namesake of a Greek deity do? We’re still trying to figure that out.
What is the best thing about working at Bookmans?
The environment and my coworkers are the best parts. The Bookmans Phoenix staff is full of awesome people with unique and genuine personalities. Everybody’s different but we share a similar mentality that makes it easy to bond. It’s good to feel accepted and to like being here.
What’s the coolest stuff you’ve seen come in over the counter?
My favorite is stuff that is nostalgic to me. I like when we get retro gaming systems or games, things I was excited about as a kid. It takes me back to childhood memories. I see my son with that same joy for what’s popular now. It’s crazy watching him grow up in the modern world.
You graciously volunteer to rock the cosplay at in-store events. What character is most fun to play?
Darth Vader. He’s a bad ass. It was fun to feel powerful with the light saber and mask.
What do you do in your spare time?
When I have spare time, I spend it with my wife and son. I also focus on music; we’re doing a lot of studio work with my band Danger Silent. Our album should be finished by the end of the year, I’m really excited about it.
What’s your favorite video game?
Fallout 3 — love Fallout 3.
Which is more powerful and why: The Beard of Zeus or Great Odin’s Raven?
That’s tough. The Beard of Zeus is pretty sweet. I’m going with Zeus.
We’re going with Zeus too. Look for him next time you visit Bookmans Phoenix.
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