A Rock ’em Sock ’em Free Comic Book Day – Written by Paul Lee
Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is a glorious celebration of our passion for paneled images and comic book awesomeness. This year, I attended FCBD at Flagstaff’s Cab Comics across the street from Bookmans Flagstaff. Our mighty superhero Book Man brought delight to the denizens and comic…
A Rock 'em Sock 'em Free Comic Book Day – Written by Paul Lee
Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is a glorious celebration of our passion for paneled images and comic book awesomeness. This year, I attended FCBD at Flagstaff’s Cab Comics across the street from Bookmans Flagstaff. Our mighty superhero Book Man brought delight to the denizens and comic…
Men Vs. Cosplay Calendar
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager for Bookmans Mesa The 2016 convention season is in full swing and it’s time to celebrate those amazingly talented geeks who make comic conventions entertaining and visually stunning. That’s right, I’m talking about cosplayers! Most of time, media attention focuses…
Dos and Do Nots of Free Comic Book Day
This Saturday nerds and comic book readers once again take to the streets in an all out celebration of geek camaraderie. What joyous occasion sparks such action? What geekish event has us jazzed? What could occur that causes respectable members of society to squeeze into…
Ticket Tuesday-ish: Phoenix Comicon Opening Night
***THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED*** Back by popular demand! Our April Phoenix Comicon Opening Night ticket giveaway was such a hit, we present an encore so epic we couldn’t wait for a Tuesday. We remain in high Geeking Out mode throughout May with events and…
Geeking Out with Events at Bookmans
Bookmans honors the inner Trekkie, WOWer and Dungeons and Dragons master in all of us. Geeking Out month is a time to dust off those Whovian T-shirts, Millennium Falcon replicas and all the in-depth Zelda trivia you have rolling around in your noggin and head…
Nate Avery and the Best Life Ever – Written by Paul Lee
By Paul Lee, Event Liaison for Bookmans Flagstaff Residents of Flagstaff often see a bumper sticker with the letters “BLE” and many know immediately what those initials represent. Having relatively recently moved to Flagstaff, I often encounter this sticker and wonder what it means. In…
Stories of UFOs and Strange Phenomena – Written by Paul Lee
Bookmans has excellent UFO and strange phenomena sections many of you peruse those titles. We have books by famed authors like Whitley Streiber, Zecharia Sitchin and Erick Von Dankin on topics ranging from alien contact, abductions by aliens and historical encounters with extraterrestrials (ETs).
Caity Looks Forward to Tucson Attractions
After three years at Bookmans Flag, I, Caity Evans, Events Liaison and lover of Flagstaff, move on to new and thrilling adventures. Before you start rioting/dancing in the streets, know that, though I leave this beautiful mountain town, I do not leave Bookmans. As if…
Freebie Friday: Phoenix Comicon Opening Night
** THIS CONTEST IS CLOSED – But be sure to check back in May for another chance to win! ** Bookmans lives for “Geeking Out” with you about our favorite books, movies, music, video games, characters, events and all things magical. Soon we’ll have a…
2016 TFOB Recap: Reinventing Poe
By Kaitlin Hooker, Bookmans Editorial Assistant Intern This year at Tucson Festival Of Books I attended Evermore: Reinventing Poe, given in honor of Big Read Connects Tucson, whose theme this year is Edgar Allan Poe. Authors Louis Bayard, Lynn Cullen and Polly Schulman talked about…
2016 TFOB Recap: Author Dinner
Though Bookmans has been a part of Tucson Festival of Books from the beginning, this Bookmans Flag Events Liaison and proud bibliophile embarked on my first ever TFOB this past weekend. Not only did I get to check out TFOB events and vendors like Science…
2016 TFOB Recap: The Art Of the Book Review
By George Ballenger, 1317 Member Maureen Corrigan and Louis Bayard set out to help a room full of hopeful reviewers attending The Last Word: The Art of the Book Review at the Tucson Festival of Books. Corrigan and Bayard answer fundamental questions like, “Why do…
TFOB Book Nerd Scenarios and Solutions | Bookmans
Tucson Festival of Books is right around the corner and we are SO EXCITED! Huge authors will be there, awesome book talks will ensue, and Arizona’s spring weather will (most likely) warm festival activities and make being outside all day a true pleasure. As one…
TFOB Book Nerd Scenarios and Solutions | Bookmans
Tucson Festival of Books is right around the corner and we are SO EXCITED! Huge authors will be there, awesome book talks will ensue, and Arizona’s spring weather will (most likely) warm festival activities and make being outside all day a true pleasure. As one…
Bookmans Attends Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival
Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival (FMFF) kicked off this past week and Bookmans attended the party. Highlighting nonfiction films, The Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival offers a “cultural alternative to the mainstream commercial film experience and to celebrate, promote, nurture and teach non-fiction filmmaking.” A 4-day event…
Freebie Fridays: Fall Out Boy
**CONTEST CLOSED**Pop punk rockers unite! This Valentine’s Day weekend, forget flowers and candy. Win a pair of tickets to attend a killer line up of alt-rock heroes. Fall Out Boy comes to Phoenix with Awolnation and PVRIS, a must-see show. This epic concert takes place…
Let’s Celebrate Our Love of Reading
Calling all literary cupids! We understand the late night inability to put that novel down, the struggle to find eyeglasses on a nightstand piled high with non-fiction gems and the classic dilemma of reading entire bookshelves and still jonesin’ for more. If these profiles sound…
Let's Celebrate Our Love of Reading
Calling all literary cupids! We understand the late night inability to put that novel down, the struggle to find eyeglasses on a nightstand piled high with non-fiction gems and the classic dilemma of reading entire bookshelves and still jonesin’ for more. If these profiles sound…
Freebie Friday: Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival VIP Passes
As part of a community-wide celebration of the environment, outdoors and film, Bookmans sponsors the Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival taking place February 11 through the 14. We are excited just to attend the event. Showing our support through sponsorship is icing! The Flagstaff Mountain Film…
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