Bookmans Recommends: Nintendo Classics
Bookmans is obsessed with all things Nintendo. Classic games like Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and the ever loved Pokemon franchise… we could talk about those for hours! Since the release of the Nintendo Switch, we are all buzzing with excitement – and a…
Farewell, Vox Machina: Critical Role Season Finale
After 3 years on the air (and 2 years off-air), the Critical Role campaign of Vox Machina has finally come to a dramatic close as the intrepid adventurers face off against Vecna, a powerful lich who became a god. For fans of Critical Role that…
Bookmans Recommends | The Guild 10th Anniversary
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Summer of 2017 marks the ten-year anniversary of the The Guild web series. It’s hard to believe that a decade has passed since I was first introduced to the adorable awkwardness of Codex and her wonderful gang…
Bookmans Recommends | The Guild 10th Anniversary
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Summer of 2017 marks the ten-year anniversary of the The Guild web series. It’s hard to believe that a decade has passed since I was first introduced to the adorable awkwardness of Codex and her wonderful gang…
Bookmans Recommends | Our Favorite Video Game Movies
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Video games are extremely difficult to translate into film. After all, how do you transfer something that is designed to be played by an active audience into something that is purely meant to be viewed? How do…
Bookmans Recommends | Our Favorite Video Game Movies
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Video games are extremely difficult to translate into film. After all, how do you transfer something that is designed to be played by an active audience into something that is purely meant to be viewed? How do…
Geeking Out | Mass Effect: Andromeda
Five years after the release of the final climatic installment of the original Mass Effect trilogy, Bioware is back with the much anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda. The story of Andromeda begins around the same time as the first Mass Effect game, as tens of thousands…
Geeking Out | Mass Effect: Andromeda
Five years after the release of the final climatic installment of the original Mass Effect trilogy, Bioware is back with the much anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda. The story of Andromeda begins around the same time as the first Mass Effect game, as tens of thousands…
Sony PlayStation Does Virtual Reality
It was the year of 2016 and virtual reality was becoming the next big thing. Once Sony PlayStation stepped into the VR (Virtual Reality) world, I became a pushover for it. I mean let’s be real, if you have a PS4, then you are pretty…
Bookmans Recommends | Art Academy (Nintendo 3DS)
If you were born in the past 40 years, you’ve probably played video games at some point in your life. You know how easy it is to get sucked into a long story driven game on your console at home and how rewarding using your phone to…
Bookmans Recommends | Art Academy (Nintendo 3DS)
If you were born in the past 40 years, you’ve probably played video games at some point in your life. You know how easy it is to get sucked into a long story driven game on your console at home and how rewarding using your phone to…
Bookmans Recommends: Critical Role by C’loni Bailey
The creeping crud has been going around and I spent the last week bedridden with little to do but watch videos on my phone. Fortunately for me, a week in bed is the perfect amount of time to catch up on my current geeky addiction,…
Bookmans Recommends: Critical Role by C'loni Bailey
The creeping crud has been going around and I spent the last week bedridden with little to do but watch videos on my phone. Fortunately for me, a week in bed is the perfect amount of time to catch up on my current geeky addiction,…
Bookmans Recommends: Elder Scrolls Online: One Tamriel
If you’re anything like me you’ve had an ongoing obsession with The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim for the past five years and with good reason. Skyrim was a fantastic open world game with plenty of lore to engulf even the most staunch lore hound and a…
Geek Out Christmas
You want to buy your person an awesome gift, but you would prefer to get them something really really cool for not a lot of cash money. No mugs (unless it’s a Doctor Who mug), no ties (OK, maybe a Darth Vader tie), no ‘As…
DragonCon 2016 (My First Experience) – Bookmans
DragonCon review, from our one and only C’Loni Bailey. With the ever increasing popularity of geek culture, conventions are popping up all over the place but only a few well established conventions have gained “bucket list” status, including but not limited to the famous San…
World of Warcraft Demon Hunter Preview
World of Warcraft is about to release their latest expansion, Legion, that officially drops August 30. However the new Demon Hunter class went live on August 9th allowing any players who pre-ordered the World of Warcraft Legion expansion through to play the new class….
Bookmans Summer Video Game News Wrap-Up
By C’loni Bailey (Asst Manager Bookmans Mesa) This summer saw the release of many new games that took the gamer population by storm, including Overwatch and Pokémon Go. Taking the competition by storm, sweeping through schools, parking lots and locking people into their screens, games…
Geeking out is half the fun at Bookmans Entertainment Exchange! Which is why we are celebrating the pure geeky awesomeness that is POKEMON GO with a giveaway like no other. If you are not currently hunting pocket monsters in your neighborhood then we behoove you…
Pokémon GO: Gotta Catch ‘Em All Over Town! (Plus Do’s and Do Not’s)
You may have noticed more people than usual wandering aimlessly around town staring at their phones these past few days. This is because of the new phenomenon, Pokémon GO – a new Pokémon game for iOs and Android devices. It just came out and is…
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