Skyrim Glitches Make for Hilarity
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Everyone who plays The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim on PC, XBOX 360 or PS3 knows that some of the most memorable and hilarious moments come from unexpected glitches in the game. Dragons flying backwards and shooting fire out…
Geeking Out Over E3 2015
By C’loni Bailey – Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Video game developers flocked to this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) to show off their best up and coming video games and technology. Held June 16-18 at the Los Angeles Convention Center, the entire conference was…
Geek Games 2015 Recap
While our Mesa and Phoenix brethren attended Phoenix Comicon in all its geeky glory, we up north put on a geek culture celebration of our own — Geek Games 2015. The first annual Geek Games took place with all the tournaments, activities and competitions we…
Survive Phoenix Comicon or Any Other Comicon
By C’Loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Comic and pop culture conventions are gaining in popularity. Con season heads into full swing with Phoenix Comicon on May 28-31 and many others right around the corner. Once a niche market, geeks are now a dominant…
Wii World Awaits You
Bookmans is proud of our electronics departments stocked with the most popular and new video game titles, gaming accessories and consumer electronics. Bookmans Speedway recently acquired a killer collection of Nintendo Wii games and Wii U games, all in great condition.
Gamers Score at Bookmans
By C’Loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Are you a gamer looking for the latest video game releases? Maybe you’re a collector looking to fill out your retro Nintendo cartridge collection or find some rare Playstation JRPGs. Perhaps you simply want a cheap and…
Bookmans Recommends: WildStar
By C’Loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa As an MMORPG (Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game) junkie, I’ve played everything from World of Warcraft to Final Fantasy XI to Guild Wars 2, but my current MMO of choice is WildStar. For those of you who…
By C’loni Bailey, EEC Manager for Bookmans Mesa In recognition of Black History month, #28DaysofBlackCosplay is trending in the Twitterverse as well as on Facebook, Tumblr and Instagram. We immensely enjoy seeing pictures of everyone’s favorite Black cosplayers each day. Initiated by prolific cosplayer Chaka…
Video Game Shopping at Bookmans Flag
My, oh, my, do we love video games! Bookmans Flagstaff is crazy for the entertainment these interactive multimedia systems provide. The video game section of our lovely store has everything, from old-school systems like the Atari to Gameboys to Skylanders and the latest systems from…
Unplug for Board Games
Video games and the Internet distract us from our more classic pursuits, be they Trivial or not! It’s time we look up from our screens for a while to see that board games, like vinyl, have made a comeback. Players are reconnecting with their childhood…
Geeking Out with Board Games
Nothing brings family and friends together like a good board game, especially during the holiday season. While we’ve all wasted countless hours playing a game of Monopoly or Life and wet our pants a little as we laughed during games of Quelf and Cards Against…
Bookmans Recommends: Dragon Age: Inquisition
By C’Loni Bailey, EEC Manager at Bookmans Mesa Dragon Age: Inquisition is the latest installment in the hit fantasy video game series. Set not long after Dragon Age II, Inquisition opens with a huge magical breach in the sky, unleashing all manner of demons onto…
Retro Game Spotlight: Secret of Mana (Super Nintendo)
By C’Loni Bailey Electronics Manager at Bookmans Mesa I was about ten years old when my mom bought me a Super Nintendo for Christmas. (It was supposed to be a surprise, but I spotted it hidden in our patio storage closet.) One of the first…
Indulge In a Retro Game Geek Fix
Bookmans is the place to get your geek fix for vintage gaming and game systems. Gamers, you know the scene. Right now certain games are scarce! If you like retro gaming, we have all the hard to find titles available for purchase with Trade Credit.
Retro Game Spotlight: Super Nintendo’s Illusion of Gaia
By C’Loni Bailey, EEC Manager Super Nintendo was THE video game system to own back in the early ’90s. Super Nintendo truly out-shined its competition in the genre of role-playing game or RPG. Classic titles like Final Fantasy II and III, Chrono Trigger and Secret…
Retro Game Spotlight: Super Nintendo's Illusion of Gaia
By C’Loni Bailey, EEC Manager Super Nintendo was THE video game system to own back in the early ’90s. Super Nintendo truly out-shined its competition in the genre of role-playing game or RPG. Classic titles like Final Fantasy II and III, Chrono Trigger and Secret…
Geek out with MarioKart64
By Bridget Rowan There are a few things from growing up in the 90s that you just know were life altering cool — Razor scooters, Pokemon, Nickelodeon’s All That. Nothing comes close to the immeasurable awesomeness that is Super Mario Kart. Released in 1992, Super…
Gotta Catch ‘Em All! Make Your Own Poké Ball
When Pokémon debuted in 1996 many people passed it off as a fad that would soon fade. Eighteen years later, the brand proves itself to be as beloved today as it was all those years ago. Between the T.V. series, card games, movies, video games,…
Gotta Catch 'Em All! Make Your Own Poké Ball
When Pokémon debuted in 1996 many people passed it off as a fad that would soon fade. Eighteen years later, the brand proves itself to be as beloved today as it was all those years ago. Between the T.V. series, card games, movies, video games,…
Sita Nava’s Top 10 Video Games
May is the month during which we reflect on our inner geeks. We are all guilty of geeking out over something, and there are countless ways to geek out. Sometimes a person’s inner geek shines through just a little bit brighter than others. Take for…
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