Houseplants 101
I am on a mission. And that mission is to no longer live a plantless bland existence but to instead embark on a fulfilling journey of in-home shrubbery. I am grown now, and grownups have houseplants. So with the help of Warner’s Nursery and many…
How I Took Charge of My TBR
Summer is coming to a close, and it’s that time to take a look at your “To Be Read” list and see if you are where you want to be going into fall. I’ll be the first to admit I haven’t read as much as…
Before Storming Area 51…
It is official. September 20th, 2019 will be the day America finally discovers what exactly is going on at the famous military landmark Area 51. Sort of. For decades, this mysterious facility has haunted conspiracy theorists. It has become a backbone of inspiration for hundreds…
3 Nonfiction Summer Reads
Diving into a well of new information with a good nonfiction bio, poli-sci, or history tome sounds like a dream. Learning everything you could want to know about a particular subject is thrilling. These books may seem denser, but nonfiction reads can be a lot…
How To Plant the Perfect Sophia Chia
It’s July in the East Valley. We all know what that means – over 100+ temperatures. With such extreme heat, we are always looking for new and exciting things to do inside. No better time to finally do the things you’ve been meaning to do,…
My Music Recommendations for Wedding DJs
In the past couple of weeks, I’ve visited three states, been on six planes, driven 8 hours on unknown roads, successfully navigated a subway system, and visited 1 beach. This sounds like an adventure, right? In reality, this was just what it logistically took to…
Contest! How to Organize Your Bookshelf
So, you’ve got a lot of books. Of course you do, you’re a total bookworm. But how in the world are you going to organize all that literature? You could always go with the classic organization by author’s last name, but what’s the fun in…
Music and Snacks for the Road
For a large portion of Arizona, the temperatures are starting to rise. That means a significant portion of us will start to take road trips to stay cool. We’re looking at you Bookmans Flagstaff. That cafe, amiright? So, in true road trip spirit, I was…
What Bookmans Wants
*Bookmans does not give online quotes for trade items in the comments. If you would like a price quote for your items, items must be brought into a Bookmans store for evaluation. Everyone loves to shop at Bookmans, and we couldn’t be happier about that!…
A Day in the Life: Bookmans Marketing Coordinator
There is a sentence that I often find myself saying that I take a lot of pride in. That sentence is, “I work for Bookmans.” I am incredibly lucky to work for a company I love. Spending my days surrounded by books is basically my…
What’s Your Song of the Summer Going to Be?
Summer is here! The sweltering heat or escaping it is a time for casual listening on the beach, fun-filled weekend nights, road trips, and maybe even a music festival or two. Here are some guidelines to help you find that go to tune when it’s…
Survival Tips for Phoenix Fan Fusion
Its almost the end of May and those of us who like to geek out in the Phoenix area knows what that means. It’s time for Phoenix Fan Fusion and it’s going to get hot! It’s so exciting and there are so many awesome things…
Countdown to Phoenix Fan Fusion
We are 2 days away from the premiere pop-culture convention in Arizona, Phoenix Fan Fusion (formerly Phoenix Comic Con)! We’re talking about an event so big that it engulfs Downtown Phoenix in geek. That is the entirety of the Phoenix Convention Center along with its exterior. Join…
You Know You’re From Tucson When…
I’ve lived in Tucson for nearly three years now. I am originally from the small town of Prescott, Arizona. To that end, jumping right into the hustle and bustle of Tucson gave me quite the culture shock. Tucson was a foreign land to me and…
YA Novels for Mental Heath Awareness Month
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is often seen as a taboo subject. Many people are too afraid to speak up because of the ever-present stigma surrounding it. Did you know that one in four people are affected by mental illness? We would…
Where to Recycle and Reuse in the East Valley
We all live on this planet. Why wouldn’t we want to take care of it? We believe it is our responsibility as a company to be compassionate citizens of the world. We are continually striving to reduce our carbon footprint when we recycle and reuse. Awareness…
Shelfie Goals to Inspire You (and Me) to Bookshelf Greatness
Over this last weekend, my husband finished his three-month project of building me a giant floor to ceiling bookcase. Of course, in true Slytherin pride fashion, I immediately painted the entire thing a beautiful dark green color. One cannot have too much house pride, amiright?…
Spring Gardening Weekend Guide
As soon as March 1st comes around, I get excited about spring. It’s the first day I feel comfortable giving a side-eye to cold days and plan on putting away my sweaters. That’s especially true here in sunny Southern Arizona. More specifically for me in…
Bookman’s Recommends: Valentine’s Day Movies!
Love is in the air once again. With Valentine’s Day coming soon, many people are making plans involving chocolate, flowers, and romantic date nights at the local restaurants. But not everyone is able to enjoy Valentine’s Day. Whether they work during the holiday, don’t want…
A Bookmans Guide To Snow Days
Unlike our dear friends down south, Bookmans Flag is blessed with seasons and even snow! That’s right we’ve got that sweet fluffy stuff. The stuff snowmen and dreams are made of. And in honor of the fact that Flagstaff and Northern Arizona got truly dumped on…
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