Geeking Out | Throwback to Childhood Video Games
When it comes to video games, my all-time favorites are still the ones that I grew up playing. Now don’t get me wrong, I can definitely get down on the newest ps4 games too. I’m totally a sucker for annihilating zombies in Black Ops and always down to hijack the baddest looking car in the latest GTA. I have to be honest though, I catch myself a lot of times throwing it back to the games I grew up on. Here are just a few of my favorite video games, all the way from childhood.
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot took up 65% of my childhood gaming time, as well as Spyro, but we will get more into that in a bit. I remember thinking that Aku Aku, the wooden creature who guides Crash in his adventures, was the coolest little character! I have to admit I can’t even calculate the amount of play hours spent running through this game. When I heard the announcement of the Crash remake, you can only imagine how much it brought me back childhood happiness.
Mario Kart N64
I remember when I was a kid and everyone in the neighborhood would come over to play the greatest title ever released, Mario Kart. This game is sublime! It has racing, characters of different genders and of course strategy. Oh, and you can’t forget the map selections. Now as an adult, my buddies and I still love to battle with Mario Kart.
Spyro the Dragon
Spyro the Dragon is yet another game that defined my childhood, by being one of the first video games I have ever owned. With the help of his best friend, Sparx the dragonfly, Spyro is a young confident purple dragon that travels through levels to try and free the adult dragons from evil. I love that! Spyro opened a unique world full of interesting goals from saving dragons, collecting dragon eggs and gems and getting past bizarre mythical creatures.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Let’s be honest, of course this game made the list. Zelda definitely showed me that it’s the journey, not the destination, that makes the experience – lesson learned from a childhood game! This game had the best action-adventure storyline and some very interesting characters. It will forever be a childhood classic.
There you have it, my favorite games from childhood. Keep your eyes out for these classics at your nearest Bookmans location. We see these titles come through our doors quite often, and we we carry the gaming systems to play them. Happy gaming!
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