Gallery Offers Haute Housewares and Accessories
Make your living space truly you and truly original without reaching your credit card limit at Bookmans. Do the same for your person. In our Gallery, you can find plenty of cool items to decorate your personal space and your person. Show off your originality with housewares and accessories carefully screened by our buyers. We carry items that we buy for cash or trade, so bring in the items that you no longer use for someone else to enjoy.
You will find exciting housewares for your living space in our Gallery. Pick up lamps, statuettes, pottery or clocks for your shelves. Our curios include every style and taste such as Asian artwork, African woodcuts and sculpture, Mata Ortiz pottery, Native American artwork from artists like Jimenez, Oaxacan folk art, Kachina dolls and collectable porcelain dolls. Decorate your walls with framed art originals and prints. Our collection from local artists includes funky folk art, punk DIY and traditional pieces. We have cowboy and southwestern art and sculpture, ceramic and woodcuts. Our antique collection includes an eclectic variety you won’t see anywhere else — from farm equipment to hardware and tools to domestic items like a Proctor iron in the box. We carry boxed modern and vintage appliances, Tupperware, bake ware, cookie cutters, chef utensils, aprons, Pyrex, Fiestaware, vintage china teacups, stemware, decanters, crystal liquor bottles, shot glasses, and salt and pepper shakers. We have all the cookware you need for modern or retro entertaining.
If you have children in your life, shop our toys, action figures, stuffed animals and Barbie dolls, Lego bricks, puzzles, Care Bears, My Little Pony, Beanie Babies, Star Wars action sets and Matchbox cars. If the children in your life are a little older we have action figures from every movie and show ever produced. Check out our Geek Zone for Star Wars, Star Trek, Adventure Time, Simpsons, Doctor Who, Marvel Legends, Lost in Space, Domo, Johnny Lightning, Futurama, Ben 10, X-Men and Spawn. We also have cool new mounted posters from those same shows and also Sherlock and Guardians of the Galaxy along with your favorite Disney and comic book characters and anime.
Maybe you would like to deck yourself with items from our accessories department including scarves, hats and beanies, purses, backpacks, wallets, rings, earrings, necklaces, broaches, and bracelets for both men and women in both costume and sterling silver. Our buyers select only the best items from the Gem and Mineral Show and over our trade counter. We also pick up beautiful handmade creations from local crafters including edgy T-shirts and buttons for flare.
Stop by any of our six locations in Arizona and prepare to be amazed. Bookmans is a Buy, Sell, Trade store. You can bring in your old and gently used books, CDs, DVDs, instruments and housewares to receive Bookmans trade credit or cash. Stop in and check it out!
Bookmans can not guarantee stock, so if there is a particular Gallery item you are looking for give your local Bookmans a call and a staff member will be happy to assist you. And don’t forget to check out our new sports exchange store. Located in Tucson, Bookmans Sports Exchange is your one stop shop for all things sports, fitness and outdoors.
Bookmans has you covered for entertainment and sports. Now, if we only sold groceries.
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