Happee Birthdae Harry
In 1997 a tattered paperback made its way among the students in my forth grade class at Hansen Lane Elementary. When the book finally made it into my grubby hands, even though everyone demanded I read it, I dismissed the book. A few weeks later sister forced it on me and because I was bored I finally began the journey into the wonderful world of Harry Potter.
I was not a reader growing up. I despised the activity and when I miraculously found a book I enjoyed, I determined the experience was an exception not the rule. Harry Potter was one of those exceptions. I devoured our class copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. We can talk about the success of the series in dollars and cents. We can talk about how it climbed best selling list and made this amount opening weekend. OR we can reminisce about how we waited for our letter on our 11th birthday and how our hearts broke when we finally accepted that we were not wizards and would not attend Howgarts. I refuse to believe anything other than that my letter was lost in the mail or perhaps the owl assigned to deliver it croaked on the way over. Poor bird.
July 31 was Harry’s 35th birthday. To celebrate Bookmans Flagstaff hosted our second annual Very Potter Party in honor of the boy who lived. I’d like to say this event was solely for the benefit of our customers, but in all honestly it was also for the Bookmans family. We’re a company of Potterheads. J.K. Rowling created a phenomenon when she wrote these books. An entire generation grew up with Harry, Hermonie and Ron. We experienced all of life’s milestones with the boy wizard. When the opportunity came up to dust off our Sorting Hat, cosplay as Moaning Myrtle and FINALLY deliver those long awaited Hogwarts acceptance letters, of course we took full advantage. On rare occasions does a book touch that many people. On even rarer occasions does a book touch that many young people. Harry Potter created a generation of readers and for that we are forever grateful.
Things kicked off at our Very Potter Party the only way to kick off any Potter-esque event — with the sorting hat of course! Many have been plagued with the age old question, “Am I courageous like a Gryffinor or cunning like a Slytherin?” With the help of Bookmans staff and our DIY Sorting Hat we put that question to rest. From there guest got their Hogwarts letter, complete with a school supply list. If you found your way to Azkaban and managed to escape, your picture was taken for the Daily Prophet. Many fun activities took place as we partied it up with Moaning Myrtle, made our way to Platform 9 ¾ and steered clear of the Chamber of Secrets in the Bookmans women’s restroom. As things quieted down, guest relaxed as we enjoyed Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone in the Kids Corner and collectively cried at the sight of Professor Snape and Albus Dumbledore. So. Many. Feels.
Harry may only have a birthday once a year, but the world Rowling created can be celebrated every day. Bookmans carries everything from the seven Harry Potter books to the movies to Harry Potter Clue. Stop in your local Bookmans to check out what we have in store. We can not guarantee stock so call ahead if you want to be sure your local store has what you are looking for. HAPPEE BIRTHDAE HARRY!
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