Entertainment Recommendations: Midtown Edition
Want entertainment recommendations? Great! At Bookmans, we pride ourselves on being extremely knowledgeable when it comes to all things pop culture and media. Even despite the strange time we are living in, we’re still devouring as much music, movies, video games, comics, books, and television…
Disney+ Service: the Series I’ll Subscribe For
When Disney first announced it’s new subscription streaming service Disney+, I let out an audible groan. Is this what we needed most in a streaming world monopolized by companies like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon? Another service to willingly throw our money at? I’ve gone a…
How to Explain a Movie Plot, Badly
If you know me, you’ll know I am almost totally uncultured when it comes to movies. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love watching movies. But the list I have accumulated over the years of “must-watch movies” (or so my friends tell me) has just…
The Best Disney Halloween Movies
Listen, Disney Channel Original Movies are LITERALLY the greatest. They are, hands down, THE BEST made for TV films known to man. My not-so-humble opinion, of course. Smarthouse, Zenon Girl of The 21st Century, The 13th Year, Luck of the Irish? I could go on…
August is Sunny at Bookmans!
Ready to be inspired? Bookmans stores have a fantastic amount of events coming your way in August 2019, and we cannot wait to share them all with you! There’s entertainment for gamers, givers, foodies, writers, readers, families, children, and everyone in between. And that’s just…
These Disney Movies Should Not be Live Action
Some things should just stay animated. Disney buffs: Are you absolutely stoked for the releases of Disney’s live-action movies this year? I was ecstatic when I learned that The Lion King and Aladdin were both on the list for upcoming revamps. The news of all…
Movie Review: Incredibles 2
The wait is finally over. After 14 years of anticipation, Incredibles 2 has a lot to live up to. Incredibles 2 finds itself in a tough position. On one hand, in the era of superhero movies, things have become somewhat formulaic. On the other, with such…
Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame Is Worth Revisiting
Since Snow White premiered in 1937, Disney movies have influenced generations with their magical stories and impressive animation. As the days of classic 2D animation are replaced with the new doe-eyed CGI characters, some of us are feeling a little nostalgic for the days when…
The Best Star Wars Merch for Millennial Kids
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Star Wars: A 7.5-billion-dollar franchise. Since 1977, Star Wars has ruled the galaxy. With books, toys, novelties, video games, tv series, and of course the movies, Star Wars has inspired millions. Here is a list…
Disney Movies to Watch During the Holidays
Disney movies are something everyone can enjoy whether they’re 5 years old or 105 years old. Each movie pulls at your heartstrings and draws you into a world of magic and fantasy – the perfect way to spend the holidays (and not get bogged down in…
Meet Suyin, Event Liaison at Bookmans Flagstaff!
Good news! We have a brand new member of the Bookmans Flagstaff team! Please help us welcome Suyin Boles into the Bookmans events family. Suyin comes to us with a wonderland of experience including Disneyland, Disney World, and SeaWorld. Growing up in Northern Arizona, Bookmans…
10 Under-Rated Family Films
These family films are sure to make you smile, and we all have that one movie from our childhood that we watched over and over again. We’d wear out the VHS tape, drive our siblings crazy with our continual demand to watch it every night…
Misheard Disney Lyrics
“Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba (Here comes a lion, Father) Sithi uhm ingonyama” (Oh yes, it’s a lion). Yes, that did just happen. The Lion King’s opening song, The Circle of Life, had to be the opening sentence. Complete with translation, because that’s what us Disney…
In Defense of Disney On the Princess Effect
Disney’s female protagonists are on the receiving end of backlash for the “Princess Effect”. For many us who grew up watching and loving these films while still managing to become strong and independent people, we take issue with the idea that Disney is single handily ruining generations…
Timelessness of Peter Pan
Watch out Harry Potter. There’s another with a prior claim to the moniker, “the boy who lived.” Not only does he never grow old, Peter Pan is a timeless classic. Starting in his 1902 novel Little White Bird, J.M. Barrie merely mentions Peter Pan. In…
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