Unplug for Board Games
Video games and the Internet distract us from our more classic pursuits, be they Trivial or not! It’s time we look up from our screens for a while to see that board games, like vinyl, have made a comeback. Players are reconnecting with their childhood favorites. At the same time, the stakes have been raised and creativity and originality have an open playing field on which new games and strategies flourish. The result is a wonderful mix of classic and current games. Games have their game on! Bookmans Speedway’s Wall of Wonders allow this new breed of gaming to share real estate with the time honored classics. It’s time to unplug for board games.
We remember playing Monopoly, Clue and Battle Ship and they are still around in all their splendor and promise of fun. These games are represented by The Classic Game Collection whose titles include Executive Roll Up, Wood Tric or Trac and Family Bingo. These games are made with solid wood and metal construction, include the bases, chrome plated ball and poles, felt playing surfaces, sturdy metal ball cage, colorful chips and bingo cards as well as 80 game variations.
Take a look at the new kids on the block. Some might be new to you and some have been re-created, sharpened and made edgier. Take Sabotage, a game where uncertainty reigns. Players continually revise plans in an attempt to sabotage their opponents, capture the crown and bring it back to base. Jitters and Looney Binby Numbskull Games are wicked word games. For the junior set try K’NEX to collect and build vertical viper coasters with motor or Shadow Theater: The Art of Shadow Casting. This set includes the books that show how to make 100 animals and scenery props (pushout props have holding sticks and use a standing flashlight).
After the kiddies are in bed, the Adults will play! Oh Hell is a card game more skillful than hearts, more challenging than bridge and more fun than poker. Bidders with bidding cards and score pads use rule and strategy hints to beat opponents. For the very daring is BLUFF or BUFF. This adult storytelling game includes sexy revelations and high stakes faking. Military minded players will love War Law, the mass combat system for use with Rolemaster.
You don’t have to be Smarter Than a Fifth Grader or a Poker Pro, just grab some friends and give it a go. Bookmans Speedway has some crazy games too, like TA KAI, a Chinese cockfighting dice game. (We would never advocate live cockfights!) This ancient game is modernized to become Las Vegas craps games. Give it a try, win or loose, hopefully you will still have your shirt on.
* Bookmans can not guarantee stock. If you are interested in a specific title mentioned in this article, give Bookmans Speedway a ring at 520.748.9555. Bookmans is the place to browse, but it’s a good idea to make sure the title is still on our shelves before you come in.
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