In With the New, Out With the Old – Keeping It Stress Free | Bookmans
The New Year is a time for renewal. For many of us it is a fresh start; a cleansing of our bad habits, attitudes and stress. We reflect on the previous year and what accomplishments we may or may not have achieved. We set new…
In With the New, Out With the Old – Keeping It Stress Free | Bookmans
The New Year is a time for renewal. For many of us it is a fresh start; a cleansing of our bad habits, attitudes and stress. We reflect on the previous year and what accomplishments we may or may not have achieved. We set new…
The Moon is Wrong: Astronomy 101 | Bookmans
If you are anything like a typical Bookmans employee you stand out in your yard at 3am and wonder what is wrong with the moon. This behavior could also be linked to growing up in Tucson. Little desert kids spend lots of time looking up,…
The Moon is Wrong: Astronomy 101 | Bookmans
If you are anything like a typical Bookmans employee you stand out in your yard at 3am and wonder what is wrong with the moon. This behavior could also be linked to growing up in Tucson. Little desert kids spend lots of time looking up,…
Bookmans Giveaway: Now Through JanYOUary 14th – Admission to MIM and a Ukulele
The holidays may be over, but a brand new year is just beginning! Discover all the potential and possibility of 2017 at Mesa Bookmans. This is the perfect time to set ambitious resolutions, try unfamiliar things and reevaluate lofty goals. But remember to put that…
Bookmans Recommends: Critical Role by C’loni Bailey
The creeping crud has been going around and I spent the last week bedridden with little to do but watch videos on my phone. Fortunately for me, a week in bed is the perfect amount of time to catch up on my current geeky addiction,…
Bookmans Recommends: Critical Role by C'loni Bailey
The creeping crud has been going around and I spent the last week bedridden with little to do but watch videos on my phone. Fortunately for me, a week in bed is the perfect amount of time to catch up on my current geeky addiction,…
Fisher, Michaels, Cohen: Legendary Losses | Bookmans
What a year. So many of our beloved luminaries, entertainers, and writers have passed. It’s mind boggling and leaves us feeling almost numb, but not numb enough. There are simply too many fantastic creative intelligent people who have passed in 2016 to cover here. We…
Fisher, Michaels, Cohen: Legendary Losses | Bookmans
What a year. So many of our beloved luminaries, entertainers, and writers have passed. It’s mind boggling and leaves us feeling almost numb, but not numb enough. There are simply too many fantastic creative intelligent people who have passed in 2016 to cover here. We…
Gift Guide: Perfect Presents for BFFs | In Stock at Bookmans
It’s holiday gift go-time! If you’re like us, you probably have a lot of cool, smart, quirky and intriguing friends. These folks are a blast to hang out with. They’re full of stimulating conversation and quick with a witty quip. But with great uncommonality comes…
Gift Guide: Perfect Presents for BFFs | In Stock at Bookmans
It’s holiday gift go-time! If you’re like us, you probably have a lot of cool, smart, quirky and intriguing friends. These folks are a blast to hang out with. They’re full of stimulating conversation and quick with a witty quip. But with great uncommonality comes…
We Have ALL the Things | Buying Gifts is Easy at Bookmans
It’s a common adage that you shouldn’t go grocery shopping while hungry. No one has ever put a prohibition on shopping while gift stressing though, and that is a relief because the heat is on to find those perfect gifts. Fortunately, Bookmans makes it easy! The…
We Have ALL the Things | Buying Gifts is Easy at Bookmans
It’s a common adage that you shouldn’t go grocery shopping while hungry. No one has ever put a prohibition on shopping while gift stressing though, and that is a relief because the heat is on to find those perfect gifts. Fortunately, Bookmans makes it easy! The…
Bookmans Recommends Post Apocalyptic Gifts to Fill Stockings This Season
If you are stuck trying to find the perfect gifts for your favorite survivalist out there, we have a couple of our favorite survival movies to help you out and stuff the stockings of your apocalyptic junkies and that are sure to get them gleaming…
The Unstoppable Funko Pop!
Here’s a warning for you readers: if you start with buying one Pop! figure I have no doubt that you’ll be compelled to collect more and more. Those little figures are addictive because they’re so well styled and, dare I say, cute. I was trying to avoid getting…
Geek Out Christmas
You want to buy your person an awesome gift, but you would prefer to get them something really really cool for not a lot of cash money. No mugs (unless it’s a Doctor Who mug), no ties (OK, maybe a Darth Vader tie), no ‘As…
Gift Guide: For the Artist in Your Life
Tucson is an artist’s community; with local gems like the DeGrazia studio, The Tucson Museum of Art and with our diverse downtown scene it’s no wonder creative souls gather here. From filmmakers to chalk artists and sculpture geniuses, Tucson has the most unique array of…
Manuals for Manly Men: Recommends | Bookmans
Our guest reviewer decided to take a look at one of today’s most popular subjects – manuals for the man, or guides for the guy. These are titles aimed, supposedly, at making men more manly or maybe they intend to help men be more like…
Manuals for Manly Men: Recommends | Bookmans
Our guest reviewer decided to take a look at one of today’s most popular subjects – manuals for the man, or guides for the guy. These are titles aimed, supposedly, at making men more manly or maybe they intend to help men be more like…
Strange Things Make Great Gifts | Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
As we move our way into the season of buying, gifting and enjoying, that means you have the perfect excuse to enjoy and discover strange things, but of course we like them all year long. You could say that the unusual, oddball, hard to find,…
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