A Beginner’s Guide to Vinyl
Over the past few years, vinyl records have made a comeback in a big, big way. More and more music enthusiasts are heading to their local record stores to discover or collect music. There are a lot of reasons why vinyl has made a resurgence…
A Beginner's Guide to Vinyl
Over the past few years, vinyl records have made a comeback in a big, big way. More and more music enthusiasts are heading to their local record stores to discover or collect music. There are a lot of reasons why vinyl has made a resurgence…
Tales From a VHS Tape
Days of going to the video store to rent movies have long been a thing of the past. Movie chains and mom-and-pop shops have all but evaporated, replaced by rental kiosks and streaming platforms. While it is fairly easy to track down what you want to see…
The Best Star Wars Merch for Millennial Kids
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… Star Wars: A 7.5-billion-dollar franchise. Since 1977, Star Wars has ruled the galaxy. With books, toys, novelties, video games, tv series, and of course the movies, Star Wars has inspired millions. Here is a list…
Top Ten Magical Harry Potter Facts You May Not Know
You know Harry Potter. You know that we know Harry Potter. Throughout the years, the characters, stories, and magical worlds of Harry Potter have permeated nearly every facet of our culture. For all that we collectively know about the extended Harry Potter universe, there is still…
Treasure Hunting: An Interview with Artist Taylor Graves
They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. For local Southern Arizona artist Taylor Graves, that old saying could not be truer. With the right materials and a little imagination, a “piece of junk” becomes a work of art. Let’s get to know a…
How I Met Your Mother Steals My Heart – Until the Last Episode
How I Met Your Mother, or HIMYM for short, has been my all-time favorite show to watch since it aired. I’ve re-watched it at least 10 times. To me, this show is perfect. It’s comedic, light-hearted, and you don’t necessarily have to watch the episodes…
American Horror Story Seasons Ranked Worst to Best
I love American Horror Story. This show is filled with heart-wrenching scenes of murder, love stories, dark humor, and so much more. The acting from every character is phenomenal. You can really tell each actor/actress put their all into the show. Every season of AHS…
Indulge in the Divine: Tarot Recommendations
Tarot reading has been around for centuries and from the look of it, will be around for many years to come. With thousands of tarot decks to choose from, looking for the perfect one can be a struggle that all mystics face. From color choices…
Why Telestrations is the Best Party Game
If you haven’t heard of Telestrations before, you’re definitely in for a treat! Hands down, this is the most fun party game out there. It’s one of those games that has everybody laughing and you don’t need a certain type of humor or personality to…
Bookmans Northwest: Best of 2017
Bookmans has always been your store to explore! As you know, we’re not your average bookstore or ordinary video game trade stop. Our orange shelves hold everything from movies to music to electronics to instruments, *BIG BREATH* jewelry, more books, magazines, toys, collectibles, and housewares… basically,…
Lady Gaga: Top 3 Music Videos
Lady Gaga is one of those artists who always has people talking. She’s shown up in the media for her crazy costumes, insane music videos, and much more. It seems that Mother Monster herself has seemingly been keeping low on the radar. And when I…
Last Minute Gifts For The Last Minute Shopper
It’s two days before the Christmas and unfortunately, you are nowhere near finished shopping for your loved ones. Maybe last minute is where you shine or maybe you have some really difficult folks to shop for. Whatever the reason for your procrastination, Bookmans is here…
Bookmans Recommends: Nintendo Classics
Bookmans is obsessed with all things Nintendo. Classic games like Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and the ever loved Pokemon franchise… we could talk about those for hours! Since the release of the Nintendo Switch, we are all buzzing with excitement – and a…
4 Very Good Reasons to Trade at Bookmans
It is not uncommon for people new to Bookmans to have a “wow” experience when they come through the door. Who wouldn’t with all the incredible items the local community stocks our stores with? Way more than shelves jam-packed with books of all kinds, Bookmans…
How to Make Your Holiday Shopping More Meaningful
Everyone wants to make their holiday shopping more exciting for both themselves and their recipients. But how, you ask? There are some gifts you’re dying to get your loved ones, but sometimes it’s not in your budget. Studies have shown that the best gifts are really…
The Ins and Outs of Monopoly
Monopoly is a classic board game that has been a crowd favorite ever since 1935 when it first hit the home gaming scene. The Parker Brothers game has become so popular over the past almost century that there’s practically a version for everyone’s interests. Still…
Most Anticipated Book to Movie Adaptions Coming 2018
Some of the most successful films in history – we’re talking Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, and The Hunger Games – were based on books. These films bound for 2018 are no exceptions. Which book adaptations do we think are going to be box office gold in…
Bookmans Recommends | House (Hausu)
Frightful Fall may be winding down, but that’s no reason to stop celebrating! We at Bookmans recommend some additional home screenings of spooky classics, preferably with candy or kettle corn. One of our top choices for October entertainment is Nobuhiko Obayashi’s 1977 comedy-horror film, House…
Bookmans Recommends | House (Hausu)
Frightful Fall may be winding down, but that’s no reason to stop celebrating! We at Bookmans recommend some additional home screenings of spooky classics, preferably with candy or kettle corn. One of our top choices for October entertainment is Nobuhiko Obayashi’s 1977 comedy-horror film, House…
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