Teen Fiction for the Young at Heart Reader
No task is more taxing than that of holiday shopping for bookish friends. If that book lover tends toward the John Green-loving, Ransom Riggs-reading, young-at-heart type reader who enjoys the latest in teen fiction, then you’ve got yourself a recipe for frustration. How do you keep up with what they’ve already read, what they want to read and whether or not they are “so over” vampires, wizards, zombies or boring protagonists with brown hair? Your friendly neighborhood used book retailer is here to save the day. With our top-notch choices for novels geared towards youthful audiences, you will satisfy any friends or family members whose Christmas list contains one word: books.
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass
Celaena Sardothien just spent a year in the salt mines working off a life sentence for her crimes as an assassin. When the opportunity arises for pseudo freedom as the king’s champion, Celaena agrees. Thrown into competition against thieves and killers alike, our heroine discovers that behind the castle walls lies mystery, horror, the evils of a tyrannical king and magic thought to be gone forever. Fans of Kristin Cashore’s Graceling will enjoy this fantasy novel with a kick ass female protagonist.
Feed by M.T. Anderson
Spending spring break on the moon? What could go wrong? In this future 73% of Americans have an implanted device called the feed. Similar to the workings of the Internet, the feed allows constant access to information, ads and shopping with all information directly fed into people’s brain with the slightest thought. Does this innovation serve as convenience, distraction or something worse? In a world were everything is trademarked and corporations take the place of government, Titus and his friends’ bummer of a spring break are the least of their problems.
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth E. Wein
After being captured by the S.S. in Nazi-occupied France, allied spy Verity is forced to cough up as much information as possible about her involvement with the British military. She agrees. Her confession takes on a life of its own as she details how she ends up in France and her friendship with Kittyhawk, the pilot who got her there. The second half of the novel is written from Kittyhawk’s perspective as she vows to rescue her friend and bring her home. History and storytelling are interwoven in Code Name Verity resulting in a novel you won’t put down.
Honorable Mentions
* The Lunar Chonicles by Marissa Meyer
* Literally anything by Sherman Alexie
* Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell
* Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo
* Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
* The Young Elites by Marie Lu
* Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor who gets an honorable mention primarily based on the fact that we dig blue hair.
We hope this list helps. If you still feel overwhelmed may we offer this suggestion: stop by Bookmans and pick a gift certificate in an amount of your choosing. Gift Certificates don’t expire, can be used at any Bookmans location and on anything in the store. Somethings the gift of browsing a book store can be just as good as receiving the book itself. Honestly who can keep up with those book a day readers anyways?
* Bookmans is your store to explore. If you are looking for a particular title mentioned in this post, please give us a call and we will check our shelves for you. Otherwise, we hope you will come and browse.
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