Harry Potter: Fight Censorship with my Favorite Youth Series!
Bookmans fights censorship every day but especially in the month of September, we spends time promoting the right to read. In celebration of continuing our freedom to read, view, and listen to what we want, I was looking over a list of past banned books…
I Wanna be a Cowboy Baby – Part 3 – Bookmans Entertainment
We continue on with part 3 of our series on the American Cowboy by guest local author David Grasse. We have covered some of the history of the American West, the practical aspects of cowboy life and now we will discuss how the legend and…
I Wanna be a Cowboy Baby – Part 2
As part of our ongoing four-part series on the history of the American Cowboy, Guest writer and local author David Grasse continues his look at the history one of America’s most powerful icons. The history and lore of the American Cowboy is especially relevant to…
I Wanna be a Cowboy Baby – Part 1
Arizona is a place ripe with history, and with local authors and historians. We convinced one of our favorite local authors and western historians David Grasse to lend us his expertise on the subject of Arizona history and the legend of the American cowboy. Today’s…
History’s/ies Greatest Bad Spellers
When I was in elementary school I was held back. I can’t remember what exactly took place in class to cause my teacher to suggest I wasn’t ready for a third grade education but I remember there was a spelling test, and on that test…
History's/ies Greatest Bad Spellers
When I was in elementary school I was held back. I can’t remember what exactly took place in class to cause my teacher to suggest I wasn’t ready for a third grade education but I remember there was a spelling test, and on that test…
Bookmans Recommends: The Dog Stars by Peter Heller
In the midst of our famous Tucson summer it’s typical for us to want to read a light hearted, mind occupying novel that allows us to escape those ferocious rays of heat. What you might not expect is to find a post-apocalyptic story to do…
Life is Funny – Humor Books
Bookmans is renowned for having a wide and varied stock. Our customers never know what they will find when they walk through our doors. The Entertainment Exchanges alone can fulfill just about any request, even if it’s just for a laugh. Bookmans stores have fantastic…
Bookmans Recommends: Everworld by K.A Applegate
The love of a fantasy novel stems from that first time you pick up a book in that genre. It takes you places that you never even dreamed of, never dared to think up and sucks you in so deep that some part of you…
History Of Tucson And Arizona’s Wild West
Tucson and the surrounding areas have a rich and unexpected history. In fact, the OK Corral marked what some claim as the taming of the American West. The tales of our state are legendary and surprisingly widely read by the world. Arizona is something of…
History Of Tucson And Arizona's Wild West
Tucson and the surrounding areas have a rich and unexpected history. In fact, the OK Corral marked what some claim as the taming of the American West. The tales of our state are legendary and surprisingly widely read by the world. Arizona is something of…
Making A Splash With Moon Mermaid!
There are many legends about mermaids and even a few dozen historical claims of supposedly “real” mermaid sightings. Hundreds of years ago, sailors and residents in coastal towns around the world told of their encounters with sea-maidens. One particular story dating back to the early…
Geeking Out with Ready Player One
There’s one book that currently has every Bookmans employee geeking their socks off. It’s everything we love about the 80’s, science fiction and the thrill of a great competition. Ernest Cline’s first novel, Ready Player One, has quickly gained the top spot on the Bookmans Recommends…
Joe Coleman: Artistic Madman or Genius
The Book of Joe about the contemporary Artist Joe Coleman made its way to the trade counter of Bookmans Flag. Two hundred and twenty three pages of Coleman’s macabre and brilliantly detailed paintings are sure to either delight some art fans and nauseate others. Coleman’s paintings are the…
Meeting Brandon Sanderson at Phx Comicon
With blistering, above average 110+ degree weather and thousands-I mean thousands-of cosplayers lining the Phoenix Convention Center floor, Phoenix Comicon was an absolute success. We had duck duck goose with Spidermans, Deadpools and Cher. There were meet and greets and panels with some of pop culture’s…
Fun for Father’s Day
With Father’s Day coming up on June 19th, Bookmans is the perfect place to not only get out of the heat and have some fun but also to find the perfect gift for Dad! No matter what Pops interest, you are sure to find something unexpected and…
Fun for Father's Day
With Father’s Day coming up on June 19th, Bookmans is the perfect place to not only get out of the heat and have some fun but also to find the perfect gift for Dad! No matter what Pops interest, you are sure to find something unexpected and…
Graphic Novels With Girl Power
If you haven’t heard by now we’re here to tell you graphic novels are all the rage. Marvel, DC, Image, Top Shelf, Dark Horse and their characters are only the tip of the paneled iceberg. There are more graphic novel distributors, stories and film adaptations than…
B. Bookington: A Books Life At Bookmans
So you’ve just traded in some of your beloved books to one of our six Bookmans stores. And as you start to walk away carrying your new haul of sweet finds you purchased with trade credit, your mind can’t help but wonder. Where are they…
Rogues: Unlawful but Still Likable, Lovable Even
Villain, miscreant, trickster, wretch, rascal–however you choose to describe such characters, they all fall under the term “rogue”. Show of hands, how many of us likes rogue characters? We’re certain everyone raised your hand. The only reasons one would not are because they are unfamiliar…
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