IBD: Independent Bookstore Day, the Bookmans Way!
Independent Bookstore Day, IBD for short, is hands-down our favorite day of the year. Not only does Bookmans get to celebrate being a local bookstore, but we also get to stock all that exclusive Independent Bookstore Day merchandise. And that means we also get some…
Entertainment Recommendations: Midtown Edition
Want entertainment recommendations? Great! At Bookmans, we pride ourselves on being extremely knowledgeable when it comes to all things pop culture and media. Even despite the strange time we are living in, we’re still devouring as much music, movies, video games, comics, books, and television…
Bookshelf: Self-Help in Quarantine
Self-help is a sensitive topic for a lot of us. Cultural, psychological, emotional, embracing, or dismissive attitudes toward self-improvement aside, we deserve the best versions of ourselves. There are only so many times you can grab the remote before you catch your reflection in the…
Get and Give with Summer Reads!
Do you know what’s better than reading a great book? Getting a great book for free! This summer, Bookmans is helping you stock up on all the books you can handle – and help you pay it forward too with Bookmans Summer Reads! From July…
5 Essential LGBTQ+ Kids Books to Celebrate Diversity
Happy Pride Month, Arizona! It wasn’t too long ago that LGBTQ+ kids and teen books were unheard of. You probably would’ve gotten many strange looks if you came into a store looking for them back then. We are so fortunate to live in a society…
An Anti-Racist Media Resource Guide
We’re using the Bookmans’ platform to elevate Black voices in our community and beyond. The following is a media resource guide compiled by Bookmans employees that address racial justice, systemic racism, police brutality, and white supremacy. Let’s take a step toward anti-racism, listen, and learn. …
Pandemic: Books Recs for a Quarantine
Do you really know what is contagious during a pandemic? Paranoia. The fear of contracting a disease or being around those that may or may not be afflicted. Many have either read about or watched films based on world epidemics and pandemics; now we are…
Favorite Book & Recommendations at Second Chance Book Fest
I was incredibly disappointed to find out that the Tucson Festival of Books was canceled. It’s the major event that I look forward to the most every single year. As a bibliophile, I love connecting with all my fellow book lovers and over the years…
The Second Chance Book Fest is Coming!
It was such a huge bummer for everyone to hear that the annual Tucson Festival of Books had been canceled this year. We totally understand why, and we will, of course, be first in line to attend TFOB 2021! Bookmans stores are ecstatic to announce…
I Love Celebrating Black History Month, Let Me Count the Ways
February is National Black History Month as well as Love of Reading Month, Library Lovers Month, Spay/Neuter Awareness Month, National Women Inventors Month, and a few more. Bookmans has been celebrating many of the above with events and on our social feeds! All month long,…
The Circle: What Are They Reading?
At the beginning of the year, my Netflix recommendations popped up this little reality show called The Circle (not to be confused with David Egger’s book of the same name). As someone who isn’t much of a fan of reality television in general, I, of course,…
A New Year Brings New Adventures!
The New Year is upon us, and 2020 is shaping up to be great! Each year brings the possibility of new adventures, and Bookmans is the perfect place to start. Even if you’re not the kind of person who makes resolutions, a new year is…
Our Animated Faves Never Have to End
I have been taking stock of pieces of culture that are near and dear to me. One of my favorite parts of pop culture is cartoons. Which got me thinking about what my animated faves from the past decade. I watch an animation to feel…
Reading Tips We Swear By
As someone who spends a lot of their free time reading and reviewing books, there a few tips and tricks, along with various items, that I use to keep my reading life in order. Here are some of those things, all of which you may…
Bookmans is the Place for December Merriment!
Happy December, everyone! Bookmans is more than excited to make the last month of 2019 an incredible one for our customers. That’s why we’re kicking the month off with our 12 Nights of Christmas sale! From December 2 – 13, we’ll have featured items on…
A History Of The Storyteller
“Let me tell you a story about…” “There once was…” “Once upon a time…” Hearing a sentence starting with any of these words usually means it’s going to be a good story. Maybe one of your favorite fairy tales was about to be told by…
Keep it Local with Bookmans This November!
Did you know that November is Shop Local, Give Local month at Bookmans? That means that we take this time to thank you for shopping locally and for giving back to the people, organizations, and animals that make up your community. Why? Because communities who…
The Haunting Of Ed and Lorraine Warren
We love a good scare or haunting on Halloween. Some scientists believe that it’s a natural craving humans have to whet our brains’ appetites for fight or flight responses. Whether it is those bloodcurdling screams heard echoing in the night or the moaning of a…
Horror Adaptation on TV
With the growing popularity of streaming services and our love of spending hours binge-watching the newest, greatest TV series, we are in no shortage of things to watch that quench our horror thirst. Or, if you’re like me, you may also enjoy curling up with…
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