Strange Things Make Great Gifts | Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
As we move our way into the season of buying, gifting and enjoying, that means you have the perfect excuse to enjoy and discover strange things, but of course we like them all year long. You could say that the unusual, oddball, hard to find,…
Cookbooks: Recommendations and Gift Giving Guide | Bookmans
It was bound to happen eventually. The nights are getting cooler, the days shorter, which, to most appearances, means that a certain season called FALL is approaching. In the desert we can’t be sure so we just believe what we are told on the nightly…
Cookbooks: Recommendations and Gift Giving Guide | Bookmans
It was bound to happen eventually. The nights are getting cooler, the days shorter, which, to most appearances, means that a certain season called FALL is approaching. In the desert we can’t be sure so we just believe what we are told on the nightly…
Bookmans “Spotlight On Sound” Music Series: Michael Elijah
Our “Spotlight On Sound” series is a live bi-monthly music series started in 2015 by Bookmans Mesa. It’s original conception was to showcase local Music talent from around the East Valley area. On November 18th at 6:30pm we will be celebrating our one year anniversary with…
Bookmans "Spotlight On Sound" Music Series: Michael Elijah
Our “Spotlight On Sound” series is a live bi-monthly music series started in 2015 by Bookmans Mesa. It’s original conception was to showcase local Music talent from around the East Valley area. On November 18th at 6:30pm we will be celebrating our one year anniversary with…
Bookmans Recommends: Top Five Pumpkin Books for Kids
Five little pumpkins, sitting on a gate. The first one said, “Oh my, it’s getting late.” The second one said, “There are witches in the air!” The third one said, “But we don’t care.” The fourth one said, “Let’s run and run and run.” The…
Bookmans Recommends: Over The Garden Wall
There is a place that many have gone to, but few return from…a dark and mysterious place filled with trees, known as only the Unknown. Where a beast is afoot, pumpkins dance and two young boys are lost. Wirt and his younger half-brother Gregory find…
Frightful Fall: Halloween Hoedown – Bookmans Entertainment
It’s Frightful Fall around here and we couldn’t be happier! Halloween is a holiday we seem tailor built to host. We have many exciting events going on in all of our stores, not just for kids, but adults get to enjoy the season too. Check…
Hollow Hills for Young Adult Book Club – Bookmans
Bookmans is passionate about literature and there are few things we love more than helping young people get interested in reading. To that end, we have a Young Adult Book Club which meets several times a year to discuss our latest reads, snack, and be…
Banned: More Than Books – Bookmans Entertainment
With one day left in September we figured we would go out with a bang and highlight a bit more banned material. Banning doesn’t apply just to books. The censorship axe can fall on movies, music and video games as well. In fact any form of…
Be Prepared!
If an emergency occurred tomorrow, would you be ready? September is National Preparedness Month as sponsored by FEMA. At Bookmans, we would like to take this opportunity to empower you to be prepared for all types of emergencies, fact or fictional. We are still in…
I Wanna be a Cowboy Baby – Part 3 – Bookmans Entertainment
We continue on with part 3 of our series on the American Cowboy by guest local author David Grasse. We have covered some of the history of the American West, the practical aspects of cowboy life and now we will discuss how the legend and…
I Wanna be a Cowboy Baby – Part 2
As part of our ongoing four-part series on the history of the American Cowboy, Guest writer and local author David Grasse continues his look at the history one of America’s most powerful icons. The history and lore of the American Cowboy is especially relevant to…
Censorship Challenged: Our Top 5 LGBT Titles
In the year 2016 it seems completely preposterous that we’re still talking about books that have been banned, challenged or censored. With nudity and profanity on almost every television ad, magazine cover or roadside billboard, literature shouldn’t be what we focus on when trying to…
Dedicated to The Dark Knight – Written by Paul Lee
With the recent release of Batman Vs. Superman last Spring, Suicide Squad and Batman: The Killing Joke this Summer, I’ve rediscovered my obsession with the Dark Knight. Ever since I was a wee lad, I’ve been a Batfan and my love of Batman began when I watched reruns…
I Wanna be a Cowboy Baby – Part 1
Arizona is a place ripe with history, and with local authors and historians. We convinced one of our favorite local authors and western historians David Grasse to lend us his expertise on the subject of Arizona history and the legend of the American cowboy. Today’s…
5 Movies With Phenomenal Soundtracks
When we sit down to watch a film it’s never the soundtracks we intend to fall in love with, however, some of our favorite movies are not only cinematic geniuses they’re compilations of brilliant sounds and songs. We tried not to go into the world…
5 Must See Horror Movies
August is Movies Madness month, so we gave ourselves an impossible task to recommend (just) 5 must-see horror movies. Horror is the great un-sung movie genre, being what many feel is the most difficult to do well. Take away the jump scares, black cats, gratuitous…
Movie Madness: Foreign Film Recommendations
August is Movie Madness at Bookmans! Thus, we have some foreign film recommendations for you. As everyone knows, Tucson has been alternately hot and stormy so we thought we would combine these two elements to give you a chance to get out of the heat…
Stairway to Electric Guitar Heaven
Bookmans is known for it’s amazing selection of musical instruments, we don’t just sell books after all! Bookmans Speedway currently has three amazing electric guitars that stand out from the (impressive) pack. We were so excited by these treasures we wanted to share a few…
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