Make Music Yours at Bookmans
Tracks in wax, album rock, vintage cassettes or the latest thing, the Bookmans Music Department has what you’re looking for. Together, our customer base of avid music fans and our staff with great taste, compiled a rare and alluring collection of tunes. Discover vinyl, CDs…
Top 5 Shows for Series Binging
There’s nothing like spending the day horizontal and binging on an entire season of your fave TV show. Yeah, maybe it’s not the healthiest activity and, sure, being outside or reading a book are better alternatives. But sometimes you just need to stuff your face…
Gallery Offers Haute Housewares and Accessories
Make your living space truly you and truly original without reaching your credit card limit at Bookmans. Do the same for your person. In our Gallery, you can find plenty of cool items to decorate your personal space and your person. Show off your originality…
Buy, Sell, Trade Movies with Bookmans
Everyone has their thing. Maybe you get lost in a book, strum away on a guitar or play video games for countless hours. These are all Bookmans approved ways to kill time. The one thing that every family, friend and proud loner can talk about…
We’ve Got Books and So Could You
Bookmans peeps are known to go gaga for a book or two. After all, books are how we got our start. Before founder Bob Oldfather developed the stores to become the mothership of all things entertainment, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange was just Bookmans, but with an apostrophe…
We've Got Books and So Could You
Bookmans peeps are known to go gaga for a book or two. After all, books are how we got our start. Before founder Bob Oldfather developed the stores to become the mothership of all things entertainment, Bookmans Entertainment Exchange was just Bookmans, but with an apostrophe…
Historical Heroines In Life and Books
“Well-behaved women seldom make history,” said author and feminist Laurel Thatcher Ulrich in 1976. The sentiment has since taken hold and is well used today. March is Women’s History month, and, boy, is there a lot to learn about historical heroines in life and books.
Audio Books Provide Welcome Distraction
“Let me tell you a story.” Humans have always been drawn to great tales. Since the days of gathering around the campfire to gathering around the family radio, story telling has been a favorite past-time. There is something intimate and endlessly enjoyable about listening to…
A Brief Steampunk Primer
Tucson recently held its annual Steampunk Convention and we are happy the genre has taken hold. Employees at Bookmans Speedway are especially big fans of steampunk. It folds nicely into all the things we hold dear, promote and geek out over. Steampunk ideals incorporate re-purposing,…
Rare Handy Mandy Available
Bookmans Speedway debuted a special rare book collection during Love of Reading month that took us all back to our childhood. The collection of children’s books by Ruth Plumly Thompson with illustrations by Jno R. Neill is founded on and continues the famous Oz stories…
Explore Arizona in Books
Bookmans has many and varied loves with the deepest of soft spots for Arizona and all its troubles and trappings. We are a complex state geographically, politically and socially. We can’t think of a better way to embrace Love of Reading month than to explore…
Top 10 Books We Wish Customers Would Request
The country may be focused on Love of Reading this month, but for Bookmans peeps it’s ALWAYS Love of Reading time. We recently posted our customers’ most requested titles, all of which are excellent requests. Working among books all day, every day, we are entrenched…
Megan’s Love of Reading Book Recommendations
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa By some act of voodoo and happenstance, I managed to read several books for Love of Reading month. Being a mom to two kids and several animals, I don’t know how this happened! I won’t question the…
Megan's Love of Reading Book Recommendations
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa By some act of voodoo and happenstance, I managed to read several books for Love of Reading month. Being a mom to two kids and several animals, I don’t know how this happened! I won’t question the…
Bookmans Top 10 Best Sellers
To help customers celebrate their love of reading, we polled our employees to create a list of Bookmans Top 10 Best Sellers for this year. These books have already made a big impact in 2015 or continue to ride their best-selling tide. These books are…
6 Ways to Treat Yo’self on Valentine’s Day | Bookmans
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and as all the blissfully happy couples make reservations for romantic dinners and “surprise” each other with roses, chocolate or whatever it is you get boys (ties?), some of us are left without a date to the dance….
6 Ways to Treat Yo'self on Valentine's Day | Bookmans
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and as all the blissfully happy couples make reservations for romantic dinners and “surprise” each other with roses, chocolate or whatever it is you get boys (ties?), some of us are left without a date to the dance….
Star Wars Comics at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway customers have discovered our new Geek Zone with its Geek-a-rific wonderland of action figures, role playing games, graphic novels and comic books, but we didn’t stop there. We recently expanded the comic books, refining the department. Marvel and DC comics have been separated…
Whovian’s Doctor Who Heaven
All hail 5:15 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, 1963 — a holy date in the world of Whovians. That is the date of the first episode of Doctor Who aired. We were never the same. For the seven people on planet Earth who do not…
Whovian's Doctor Who Heaven
All hail 5:15 p.m. on Saturday, November 23, 1963 — a holy date in the world of Whovians. That is the date of the first episode of Doctor Who aired. We were never the same. For the seven people on planet Earth who do not…
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