Go On a Blind Date with a Book | Bookmans
Hello lovers of literature wherever you are. We celebrate our shared love of reading every February. From the non-fic addict and the sci-fi fiend to the contemporary romancer in all of us, if you consume words like half-priced froyo then the second month of the…
Go On a Blind Date with a Book | Bookmans
Hello lovers of literature wherever you are. We celebrate our shared love of reading every February. From the non-fic addict and the sci-fi fiend to the contemporary romancer in all of us, if you consume words like half-priced froyo then the second month of the…
Bookmans Recommends: Snarky Puppy
By Robert, Assistant Manager for Bookmans Ina I love instrumental music–jazz, metal, classical, it almost doesn’t matter. I do admit to a greater love of jazz than other genres. Instrumental music requires a skill at melody and feel that keeps the listener interested and engaged…
Review of Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Reviewed by Flavio Collins, Cashier Supervisor at Bookmans Ina Most people’s perceptions of Westerns skew in a narrow canyon between John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. Television shows like Bonanza introduce the West as an idyllic place. Yes, yes, we all live in Arizona. We’ve all…
Flavio's Top Five Most Influential Albums
Everyone who is into music makes lists of influential albums. It’s a never-ending obsessive process. I’m willing to admit that I categorize all of my music in one way or another, but I won’t expose all my personal habits. We all have “those” albums that…
Flavio’s Top Five Most Influential Albums
Everyone who is into music makes lists of influential albums. It’s a never-ending obsessive process. I’m willing to admit that I categorize all of my music in one way or another, but I won’t expose all my personal habits. We all have “those” albums that…
Back to School Carnival
Each year Bookmans hosts our Summer Kids Events Series that includes weekly activities for young people to keep them busy during the dog days of summer. These events are open to all kids, feature new events each week, are super fun and totally free. As…
Easy Lorax Flowerpot Tutorial
Throw a kid-friendly Earth Day party the right way — with a Lorax celebration! Provide guests with floofy, yellow mustaches and put on your DVD of The Lorax. Afterward, use this Lorax flowerpot tutorial from Bookmans Midtown to create gifts to take home.
Banned Book Club: American Psycho
No book has caused more controversy since its publication than American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. If you’ve seen the movie, your insides have surely coiled in revolt from Patrick Bateman’s violent and outlandish murders; and the book is only worse. So extreme were a…
6 Reasons We Love to Read
By now it’s well known we celebrate Love of Reading month. We made lists of our top selling, best loved and “wish you’d read it” books. Beyond recommended reading lists, the fundamental reason why we love to read hasn’t yet been addressed. Sure, the fact…
Banned Book Club: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Because Sherman Alexie writes about sexual awareness and awakening in The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, one could understand why parents, librarians, school administrators and even some students deem the book as inappropriate. To suggest the book for a more mature audience might…
New Year, New Ways to Reuse Discs
CDs and DVDs sell move quickly in and out of Bookmans. From the newest Katy Perry CD to part-two of The Hobbit, we have it all. But what happens to all the old discs we no longer want? Granny doesn’t listen to that classical CD…
Helpers of the Community Day at Bookmans Ina
In the spirit of the holidays, Bookmans Ina hosts Helpers of the Community, a day for the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, Youth On Their Own, the Diaper Bank of Southern Arizona and Toys for Tots to set up outside our store. Each group…
Star Wars Reads Strikes Back at Bookmans
Bookmans will once again feel the power of the Force and you can feel it too. Skulk into Star Wars Reads Day on October 11 at Bookmans Speedway, Bookmans Ina, Bookmans Grant and Bookmans Phoenix for intergalactic literary fun.
Kachina Doll Artistry at Bookmans Ina
One of the great things about living in the southwest is the exposure to a melting pot of different people and cultures. Our desert surroundings are home to a diverse array of people. We live in close proximity to several Native American tribes whose ancestors…
Crafting Gone Crazy Recap
Anyone who has spent a second of their time on Pinterest knows that it is flooded with elegant DIY ideas to fill up your house. It’s not an easy feat to get a kid to pay any mind to home décor. What are decorative pillows…
Cholla Blues Standard at Bookmans
Cholla High School students performed at Bookmans Speedway on June 14, but it was no ordinary performance. These extremely talented and brave young musicians lost their instructor, mentor and friend on June 11. David McClung passed away suddenly but the impact he had on his…
Behind the Trade Counter with Lindy
By Jody Parker We will celebrate anything, but sometimes something happens that truly deserves celebration. Bookmans Ina Administrative Assistant Lindy recently clocked in her 20th year with Bookmans. We like to say she turned 20 because an anniversary is considered your Bookmans birthday around here….
10 Reasons to Celebrate Dads
We know the value of family and we honor the moms and dads who we see in our stores every day. We celebrated Mother’s Day in May and now that Father’s Day is approaching, it’s time for dads to shine. Why do we love dads?…
Free Summer Kids Events
Editor’s Note: This post is for our 2014 Summer Kids Events. If you would like to know what is currently happening in our stores, please visit our Event Calendar. The bells have rung, the classes dismissed and now you’re left entertaining your young ones for…
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