Bookmans Recommends: Vintage Science Fiction
Everyone should experience an out of this world read at least once in their lifetime. Bookmans looks to a past that looked toward the future for the brain bending fun of it. Classic and vintage science fiction offers an entertaining look into the way the…
Bookmans Recommends: 8 Tales of the Apocalypse
Doomsday Fever has us in its grip. With shows like The Walking Dead and Doomsday Preppers, each with five or more seasons, we can’t get enough. How many times have you overheard friends strategizing about how to survive the zombie apocalypse? Underground bunkers are marketed…
Aleister’s Top 5 Board Books for 2015
As a used bookstore, Bookmans gets to throw away all notions of “new” in favor of “new to us” or just plain “good books”. This is the case for Aleister’s top five board books for 2015. Aleister just turned one, so pretty much everything is…
Aleister's Top 5 Board Books for 2015
As a used bookstore, Bookmans gets to throw away all notions of “new” in favor of “new to us” or just plain “good books”. This is the case for Aleister’s top five board books for 2015. Aleister just turned one, so pretty much everything is…
Bookmans Recommends: The Poetry of Bill Shields
Written by Flavio, Bookmans Ina Customer Service Supervisor I seek literature that burns a hole in the core of my soul to inspire my writing. Anything that gives me that shiver up my spine is worth a read. Through my journey into the world of…
Teen Fiction for the Young at Heart Reader
No task is more taxing than that of holiday shopping for bookish friends. If that book lover tends toward the John Green-loving, Ransom Riggs-reading, young-at-heart type reader who enjoys the latest in teen fiction, then you’ve got yourself a recipe for frustration. How do you…
Holiday Reading with Arizona Authors
By Guest Contributor Jonathan Danielson Unlike California, Texas, Florida or even Iowa, our countrymen haven’t viewed the Grand Canyon State as synonymous with great literature and authors during our 100+ year history. That doesn’t mean there’s a dearth of literary talent that hasn’t, at one point…
Bookmans Recommends: Louis L’Amour
Famous for his western novels, Louis Dearborn L’Amour wrote 105 novels and is one of America’s most beloved authors. L’Amour was born in Jamestown, North Dakota. As a result of financial difficulties, the L’Amours headed south in the winter of 1923. Over the next decade,…
Bookmans Recommends: Louis L'Amour
Famous for his western novels, Louis Dearborn L’Amour wrote 105 novels and is one of America’s most beloved authors. L’Amour was born in Jamestown, North Dakota. As a result of financial difficulties, the L’Amours headed south in the winter of 1923. Over the next decade,…
Bookmans Recommends: Orange Is the New Black by Piper Kerman
Whether you prefer the book or the streaming series, Orange Is the New Black has fans wrapped around its little finger. Due for a fourth season in 2016, the Netflix exclusive takes us on a roller coaster ride of emotions as we experience prison from…
Write a Novel in 30 Days with NaNoWriMo 2015
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa November is right around the corner and so is National Novel Writing Month. NaNoWriMo (as it’s called) is an annual writing marathon started by Chris Baty in 1999 as a way to get himself, and about a…
Tucson Weekly Announces 2015 Best of Tucson
In some ways, we could have predicted success in the Tucson Weekly’s 2015 Best of Tucson awards. Our stores reflect the communities in which we operate. Tucson is awesome, your bring your awesome stuff to trade and you elevate our cred by hanging out with…
Book Review: Zen In the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams
Reviewed by by Robert Fisher, Book Department at Bookmans Grant Zen In the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams has long been a favorite of mine. Hyams’ philosophy is less about technique and more about philosophy, quite a bit of which is useful even if one…
Bookmans Recommends: Mucho Macho Lee Child
Mucho macho writer Lee Child appeals to the Y chromosome set. Child’s main character, Jack Reacher, is a flesh and blood superhero. Reacher has just enough realism to encourage any gunslinger fantasy. At bottom Reacher is an any-man hero–simple, straightforward and unencumbered, thus morally pure.
Eight Awesome Marvel Superheroines
Though DC Comics characters have their merits, today we are Team Marvel. Amid a male-dominated superhero universe, we highlight Marvel superheroines of valor. Geeking out on comics is a pastime shared by all ages, genders and backgrounds. These fabulous females help young girls feel self-empowered…
Get Repossessed with The Exorcist
“The belief in evil and the belief that evil can be cast out.” From these two strands of faith, author William Peter Blatty weaves a frightening, explicit and realistic tale of an innocent young girl inhabited by a malevolent entity. The Exorcist endures as a…
Spooky Reads: Frightful Fall Recommendations – Bookmans
It’s October and that means its the beginning of Frightful Fall. Full of goblins, ghouls and ghosts, Bookmans rejoices in the chance to celebrate the spooky. The genre of Horror is often underrated. It’s a Bookmans favorite. Rarely are we scared by a book, but it…
Review of Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy
Reviewed by Flavio Collins, Cashier Supervisor at Bookmans Ina Most people’s perceptions of Westerns skew in a narrow canyon between John Wayne and Clint Eastwood. Television shows like Bonanza introduce the West as an idyllic place. Yes, yes, we all live in Arizona. We’ve all…
The Monumental Greatness that Is Goosebumps
This October marks not only the annual event for mass candy consumption known as Halloween but also the theatrical release of the long awaited Goosebumps. Starring Jack Black as the fictional version of Goosebumps creator R.L. Stine, Goosebumps tells the tale of what would happen…
Bookmans Recommends: Money Books
Most of us spend a disproportionate amount of our lives pursuing money–earning it or spending it. How much do we know about how money works? As the analysts like to say, make your money work for you instead of working for your money. Great! Uh,…
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