Pokémon GO: Gotta Catch 'Em All Over Town! (Plus Do's and Do Not's)
You may have noticed more people than usual wandering aimlessly around town staring at their phones these past few days. This is because of the new phenomenon, Pokémon GO – a new Pokémon game for iOs and Android devices. It just came out and is…
Mariah Recommends: Five Board Games Guaranteed to Score!
It’s clear that board games are not as common for entertainment as they use to be. For some, it’s difficult for board games to grip their attention over the newest PS4 game. Now don’t get me wrong, I love an afternoon playing final fantasy as…
Bookmans Recommends : Overwatch From Blizzard Entertainment
By C’loni Bailey (Asst. Manager at Bookmans Mesa) It’s been a while since I’ve had the time to sit down and really play a video game. I spent the past few months prepping for Phoenix Comicon, so when Overwatch came out in mid-May, despite the…
ComicCon 2016 Cosplayers Brave The Heat And Have A Blast
By C’loni Bailey (Asst Manager Bookmans Mesa) Phoenix Comicon 2016 was the busiest one to date, with record-breaking attendee numbers as well as record high temperatures. Even being blasted with a heat wave that cranked the temperatures up to 115° didn’t stop the masses from converging…
Retrogaming with Bookmans
If you never peeked into other worlds with a View Master, you missed a magical experience. Those who enjoyed such an experience know the thrill of transporting to mysterious places and the infinite fun of playtime. The resurgence of retro gaming systems provide a similar…
The Sims 3 Retail Therapy
By C’Loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa It began with a sudden, intense need to have my own castle. Perhaps it was because I am in the process of house hunting and my modest means are not conducive to owning an actual castle, so…
Perpetual Lowbie: How I Learned to Stop Grinding and Start Enjoying Low Levels
By C’Loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I love MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games). The game worlds are huge and the game never ends. I’ve played dozens of MMORPGs and the one thing they have in common is that I have next to…
Vintage Games to Entertain
Vintage is trending across the entertainment spectrum, including games. Bookmans has all the vintage games (speaking hyperbolicly)! Retro Range Toys and Games released a collection of retro-inspired games with original artwork and game pieces. These are “modernized versions of old favourites” that combine the quirky…
Bookmans Recommends: Super Mario Maker
By Alex Dittrich, Bookmans Grant Electronics Department Super Mario Maker on the Wii U is no stranger to the spotlight. It has a slew of Youtubers playing fiendishly difficult levels, a song made from noteblocks and enemies, and is ranked second on Metacritic’s 25 Best…
PAX South 2016: My Ladies Gaming Adventure
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I traveled with a couple of my friends for a ladies’ gaming adventure to PAX South in San Antonio, TX, the last weekend in January. The Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) is the go-to gaming convention for gamers…
Bookmans Recommends: Yo-Kai Watch
By Alex Dittrich, Bookmans Grant Electronics Department The Yo-Kai Watch franchise is fresh to America’s shores from Japan. Some people regard it as kinda like Pokémon, but it’s far from it. In the game, protagonists Nate and Katie (Keita and Fumika in the Japanese version),…
Most Anticipated Everything of 2016
Plans and projections for 2016 are filled to the brim with movies, music, video games and books we can’t wait to get our hands on. From the Zoolander sequel to Assassins Creed, from the LCD Soundsystem reunion to Legend of Zelda for the Wii U,…
Bookmans Recommends: Mad Max by Avalanche Studios
Written by Alex Dittrich, Bookmans Grant Electronics Department When Mad Max: Fury Road released in theaters in May, it became one of the best movie-going experiences I’ve had. (Scott Pilgrim remains numero uno.) I immediately felt that Fury Road deserves a game. Not just any…
Final Fantasy VII Remake Official Trailer Released
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Back in 2005 when the Final Fantasy VII sequel movie, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, was released, rabid Final Fantasy fans begged Square Enix to release a remake of the 1997 Playstation classic. Ten years later, Square…
Debunking Gamer Myths
Video games. Once the pinnacle of geekdom, now played by anyone and everyone. Video game developers release the latest games with hype equivalent to summer blockbusters. (We’re looking at you, Fallout 4!) The biggest shift in perspective moves gamers from couch potatoes to purposeful. Gaming…
Tucson Weekly Announces 2015 Best of Tucson
In some ways, we could have predicted success in the Tucson Weekly’s 2015 Best of Tucson awards. Our stores reflect the communities in which we operate. Tucson is awesome, your bring your awesome stuff to trade and you elevate our cred by hanging out with…
Bookmans Recommends: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I’ve been a Felicia Day fan since her comedy web series The Guild debuted on YouTube in 2007, introducing the world to the trials and tribulations of Cyd Sherman and her gaming guild as they try to…
Bookmans Recommends: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I’ve been a Felicia Day fan since her comedy web series The Guild debuted on YouTube in 2007, introducing the world to the trials and tribulations of Cyd Sherman and her gaming guild as they try to…
Commander Kiefer Manages Electronics at Bookmans Speedway
Visit Bookmans Speedway’s Electronics Department to meet our newest manager, Kiefer! We asked Kiefer the tough questions to look into his very soul and uncover his plans for the department and, in fact, for the world. For example, we asked him about his official title,…
World of Warcraft: Legion Preview
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Fresh off of their latest expansion, Warlords of Draenor (released November 2014), World of Warcraft announced their sixth expansion, Legion, bringing even more content to the massive Warcraft universe. Legion sees the return of the dreaded Burning…
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