Bookmans Recommends: Snarky Puppy
By Robert, Assistant Manager for Bookmans Ina I love instrumental music–jazz, metal, classical, it almost doesn’t matter. I do admit to a greater love of jazz than other genres. Instrumental music requires a skill at melody and feel that keeps the listener interested and engaged…
Book Review: Zen In the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams
Reviewed by by Robert Fisher, Book Department at Bookmans Grant Zen In the Martial Arts by Joe Hyams has long been a favorite of mine. Hyams’ philosophy is less about technique and more about philosophy, quite a bit of which is useful even if one…
Bookmans Recommends: Mucho Macho Lee Child
Mucho macho writer Lee Child appeals to the Y chromosome set. Child’s main character, Jack Reacher, is a flesh and blood superhero. Reacher has just enough realism to encourage any gunslinger fantasy. At bottom Reacher is an any-man hero–simple, straightforward and unencumbered, thus morally pure.
Get Repossessed with The Exorcist
“The belief in evil and the belief that evil can be cast out.” From these two strands of faith, author William Peter Blatty weaves a frightening, explicit and realistic tale of an innocent young girl inhabited by a malevolent entity. The Exorcist endures as a…
Bookmans Recommends: Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk’s Conman
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Earlier this year, Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion of Firefly/Serenity fame, launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the first few episodes of their comedy web series, Conman. They initially asked for $425,000 to fund three 10-minute episodes,…
Bookmans Recommends: Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk's Conman
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Earlier this year, Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion of Firefly/Serenity fame, launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the first few episodes of their comedy web series, Conman. They initially asked for $425,000 to fund three 10-minute episodes,…
Bookmans Recommends: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I’ve been a Felicia Day fan since her comedy web series The Guild debuted on YouTube in 2007, introducing the world to the trials and tribulations of Cyd Sherman and her gaming guild as they try to…
Bookmans Recommends: You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)
By C’loni Bailey, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I’ve been a Felicia Day fan since her comedy web series The Guild debuted on YouTube in 2007, introducing the world to the trials and tribulations of Cyd Sherman and her gaming guild as they try to…
Bookmans Recommends: Current Movie Favorites
Bookmans has full-blown movie madness, an affliction we happily abide. From comedy to drama, cult classics to fantasy, sci-fi to all seven of the Fast and Furious properties, we go nuts for cinema. Our music buyers happily and repeatedly stock DVDs of fave films such…
Bruce Springsteen and the Band I Want The Boss to Be
by Alex Gilman, Music Department Manager at Bookmans Flagstaff I grew up knowing musical artists before I knew their work. Because of that, I had certain ideas about their work before I ever listened to their music. Bruce Springsteen is one example, but in many…
Top 5 Shows for Series Binging
There’s nothing like spending the day horizontal and binging on an entire season of your fave TV show. Yeah, maybe it’s not the healthiest activity and, sure, being outside or reading a book are better alternatives. But sometimes you just need to stuff your face…
Megan's Love of Reading Book Recommendations
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa By some act of voodoo and happenstance, I managed to read several books for Love of Reading month. Being a mom to two kids and several animals, I don’t know how this happened! I won’t question the…
Megan’s Love of Reading Book Recommendations
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa By some act of voodoo and happenstance, I managed to read several books for Love of Reading month. Being a mom to two kids and several animals, I don’t know how this happened! I won’t question the…
Bookmans Recommends: The Supa Dupa Fly Missy Elliott
In case you missed Sunday’s Super Bowl halftime show, allow us to break it down for you. Katy Perry, some beach balls, giant sharks and a show stopping performance by the one and only Missy Elliott. The five time Grammy award winning Missy broke the…
Unplug for Board Games
Video games and the Internet distract us from our more classic pursuits, be they Trivial or not! It’s time we look up from our screens for a while to see that board games, like vinyl, have made a comeback. Players are reconnecting with their childhood…
Bookmans Recommends: Top Reads of 2014
As we say goodbye to 2014 and all it had to offer, we reflect on the amazing books we’ve enjoyed. From fiction to nonfiction and all the genres in between, 2014 was full of great literary works that we have to gush over. The staff…
Bookmans Recommends: Elf
By Corinne, Event Liaison at Bookmans Grant When people ask me what my favorite holiday movie is I used to have trouble coming up with an answer. Gremlins is great but it used to give me nightmares as a kid. Polar Express is a beautiful…
Bookmans Recommends: Dragon Age: Inquisition
By C’Loni Bailey, EEC Manager at Bookmans Mesa Dragon Age: Inquisition is the latest installment in the hit fantasy video game series. Set not long after Dragon Age II, Inquisition opens with a huge magical breach in the sky, unleashing all manner of demons onto…
Bookmans Recommends: Christmas Movies to Get You Into the Holiday Spirit
by Megan Maiden, former Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa I am unapologetically Christmas Crazy. I live for this time of year! Not that I don’t give Thanksgiving a chance, I just like to eat my turkey while I stare lovingly at my already decorated Christmas…
Bookmans Recommends: Being Scared Silly
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Oh, October! The spookiest month is upon us. You know what that means; there’s a run on the horror movie section at Bookmans! To get in the spirit of the season, I chose my most treasured gems…
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