Employee Recommends: Haunted Lit at Bookmans Speedway
Indulge in your love of horror with spooky stories, ghost tales and paranormal romance to celebrate the season. Bookmans Speedway’s well-read employees have a keen eye for the best of the scariest. All such selections are on our Employee Picks Horror display. Our wide range…
Fred Dekker Haunts My Youth
By Roland Wakefield, Movie and Film Expert at Bookmans Mesa Disturbingly amused by how most of the things in my childhood relate to writer/director Fred Dekker, I feel compelled to share my thoughts in this post. Like to read it? Here it go. The article…
Book Review: Song of Kali by Dan Simmons
Review by Darcy Short October is the best time of year for spooky reads and you can’t find one much better than Song of Kali by Dan Simmons. While this is not your typical horror novel, the chills it gives the reader are all the…
Bookmans Recommends: Being Scared Silly
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa Oh, October! The spookiest month is upon us. You know what that means; there’s a run on the horror movie section at Bookmans! To get in the spirit of the season, I chose my most treasured gems…
Retro Game Spotlight: Super Nintendo’s Illusion of Gaia
By C’Loni Bailey, EEC Manager Super Nintendo was THE video game system to own back in the early ’90s. Super Nintendo truly out-shined its competition in the genre of role-playing game or RPG. Classic titles like Final Fantasy II and III, Chrono Trigger and Secret…
Retro Game Spotlight: Super Nintendo's Illusion of Gaia
By C’Loni Bailey, EEC Manager Super Nintendo was THE video game system to own back in the early ’90s. Super Nintendo truly out-shined its competition in the genre of role-playing game or RPG. Classic titles like Final Fantasy II and III, Chrono Trigger and Secret…
Bookmans Recommends: Supernatural
What do Chevy Impalas, salt rounds, and demonic possessions have in common? They are all Supernatural. A once-small budget show on an even smaller network, Supernatural has successfully survived thirteen glorious seasons, network declines, and an apocalypse (or ten). Here’s what makes the Winchester’s adventures…
Vintage Gaming at Bookmans Speedway
Gamer Alert! Bookmans Speedway is purchasing fixable nonworking vintage game systems. If it’s old school but doesn’t work and can be repaired, Bookmans Speedway will give you trade credit for it. We are looking for any cartridge-based systems, including original NES (Ninetendo Entertainment Systems), SNES…
Heavenly Halloween at Bookmans Speedway
Hurrah! The heat is leaving and Halloween is upon us. Bookmans Speedway carries everything you need for Halloween happiness. Deck your halls and don your gay apparel with our party and costume supplies. We are your one stop shop, no cash needed. Bring in your…
The Comic and Media Expo Comes to Mesa
Iron the capes, stock up on utility belts and polish your golden lasso. The first annual Comic and Media Expo comes to Mesa October 17. The Comic Media Expo (CMX) is a convention for comic fans and anyone who is interested in other types of…
Bookmans Recommends: Steel Magnolias on Blu Ray
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa As a child my best friend and greatest teacher, was, truly, cable television. With this magical box, I was transported to anywhere I wanted to be, which was especially useful during the cold Wisconsin winters. In 1989,…
Television Moments Await at Bookmans Speedway
Do you remember who shot J.R.? Maybe that was before your time. How about when Walt stood in the road in front of the motor home in his skivvies? Everyone still talks about the big stunners of the Red Wedding and Andrea’s fateful torture chamber…
Vintage Tools Provide Form and Function at Bookmans
Bookmans carries an exciting new product line–vintage tools. When we look at these hand-crafted items for hand crafting, it is difficult to decide if they are for function or art. Who are we kidding? They are for both!
Collectable Comics at Bookmans Speedway
We all know Bookmans is the place to find treasures. In every corner of the store a geeking out moment awaits you. One of the best places to find that treasure is in our Collectable Comics section. You never know what might fly in to…
The Law of Attraction Is Strong at Bookmans Mesa
By Megan Maiden, Assistant Manager at Bookmans Mesa For Bookmans Mesa there is no task or department that is too small. Every opportunity we can take to sell awesome stuff and make our customers reminisce or giggle is taken very seriously. Enter: The Magnet Department….
Exploring Graphic Censorship
One of the issues nearest and dearest to the heart of Bookmans is free speech. In fact, we devote the month of September to the discussion and exploration of censorship. Many of us are familiar with famous novels like Alice in Wonderland and Animal Farm…
Bookmans Speedway Finds for Enterprise-ing Trekkies
Long ago in a time far far in the past (1966) a man named Gene Roddenbery was touched by God. Well, maybe not exactly touched by God but touched by some kind of super powerful, all-knowing muse who knocked on the door of his imagination…
Words and Images Uncensored
Have we got some uncensored material for you! We celebrate revolutionary artists pushing boundaries and taking their art to the streets. They risk it all for the sake of expression, rearranging our world in an attempt to understand and reinterpret that all-allusive reality, the truth….
Make Sweet Music with Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans is the place for musicians, even if you haven’t started yet! Bookmans Speedway has an unusual selection of instruments, sheet music and tutorials for all types of music and every skill level. Head over to check out our Wall of Sound. Be amazed at…
Kachina Doll Artistry at Bookmans Ina
One of the great things about living in the southwest is the exposure to a melting pot of different people and cultures. Our desert surroundings are home to a diverse array of people. We live in close proximity to several Native American tribes whose ancestors…
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