Vintage Toys at Bookmans Speedway
Make believe happens all the time at Bookmans Speedway. Bookmans has a tendency to hire creative people, but that isn’t the only reason there’s so much imaginative play around here. If you worked in a donut shop, you might eat a few. If you spent…
Marching with Math and Mozart
Musical education continues the good fight for a renaissance in terms of acceptability and validation (and financing). Multiple studies confirm the positive effects of music study in cognitive abilities especially in terms of mathematics. Universities at home and abroad have trumpeted (ahem) the results of…
Wonderful and Weird Collectibles
Wonder why weird wonders are way out? What? We say why bother? It’s best to enjoy the wackiness in our world. Bookmans Speedway is a great place to start. Our store has quirk in every corner. The wonders abound. If you haven’t stopped by our…
Get Your Java at Bookmans Cafe
Bookmans is the place for great deals on all forms of entertainment, but Bookmans Flagstaff has an extra goodie in store for you — great coffee. Nestled in the corner of Bookmans Flag is the Bookmans Cafe. With locally sourced coffee beans and baked goods…
Bookmans Original Brand
Most folks know that Bookmans sells books, and not just books but all manner of entertainment and educational merchandise. Many of you are also familiar with Bob Oldfather, the currently blue bearded owner of Bookmans. You might have seen him in one of our ads…
New Year, New You, New House
With the year off to a new start, many of us are full steam ahead with our resolutions. Get healthy, eat right, exercise more, spend more time with family and friends — working on all of them. Let’s consider for a moment WHERE we will…
Video Game Shopping at Bookmans Flag
My, oh, my, do we love video games! Bookmans Flagstaff is crazy for the entertainment these interactive multimedia systems provide. The video game section of our lovely store has everything, from old-school systems like the Atari to Gameboys to Skylanders and the latest systems from…
Happening at Bookmans Speedway
Bookmans Speedway had a wonderful holiday season and New Year. Our community came out in support of local business and washed us in glad tidings. So much is happening at Bookmans Speedway! We have new departments and enjoy watching our customers enthusiastically explore them. Musical…
Try Something New this Year
The first of the year is full of energy and ambition. The holiday craze is over, out of state relatives have packed their bags and gone home and now you’re stuck with that gourmet food gift basket and no one to get it out of…
Unplug for Board Games
Video games and the Internet distract us from our more classic pursuits, be they Trivial or not! It’s time we look up from our screens for a while to see that board games, like vinyl, have made a comeback. Players are reconnecting with their childhood…
YOU Like What YOU Like: Romance Novels | Bookmans
Bookmans supports you in whatever changes or improvements, likes, dislikes and just plain everything in 2017. We’ve got countless self help, exercise and overall health related literature to aid any number of resolutions. We are all about what makes you feel like the best version of you…
YOU Like What YOU Like: Romance Novels | Bookmans
Bookmans supports you in whatever changes or improvements, likes, dislikes and just plain everything in 2017. We’ve got countless self help, exercise and overall health related literature to aid any number of resolutions. We are all about what makes you feel like the best version of you…
Make Wellness a Jan-YOU-ary Resolution | Bookmans
Bookmans declares January “Jan-YOU-ary” – a time to start fresh! It’s a new year and a new you is possible, though the old you is wonderful too. Bookmans is up to the challenge with tons of tomes to get you started, show you how, walk…
Make Wellness a Jan-YOU-ary Resolution | Bookmans
Bookmans declares January “Jan-YOU-ary” – a time to start fresh! It’s a new year and a new you is possible, though the old you is wonderful too. Bookmans is up to the challenge with tons of tomes to get you started, show you how, walk…
Vinyl Gives Us a Look into Musical History
Willie Nelson showed up at Bookmans Speedway… well, not exactly. The original Willie Nelson Classic Collectors Edition vinyl came across our trade counter and that’s nearly as exciting. Imagine a clean cut, short haired Nelson in a crisp suit on the cover! In 1959-60 Nelson…
Bookmans Recommends: Top Reads of 2014
As we say goodbye to 2014 and all it had to offer, we reflect on the amazing books we’ve enjoyed. From fiction to nonfiction and all the genres in between, 2014 was full of great literary works that we have to gush over. The staff…
Bookmans Recommends: The Trial of Jean Grey
By Jeremy N. Fisher, Administrative Assistant at Bookmans Mesa Comics are great. I love comics. I’ve grown fond of independent comics, stuff from Image or Dark Horse, maybe Vertigo. I’m not as enamored with the superhero genre as I once was. When I do get…
Counting Days the Gregorian Calendar Way
One most people accept a calendar as part of their life without consideration. Such has it been for busy folks for several thousand years. Calendar systems were developed by civilizations all over the world and with different accounting methods. The history of time keeping is…
Holiday Spirits at Bookmans Speedway
This time of year is full of parties and lots of holiday spirits — the boozy kind. During this festive season make the most of your libations, really get fancy. Dressing up your drink can be fun even for the uninitiated. Bookmans Speedway has decanters,…
Top 5 Last Minute Gifts at Bookmans
Amidst the December holiday whirlwind, finding a thoughtful and affordable gift presents a challenge. You are up for it, however, because your neighborhood Bookmans has something for everyone. We count down our Top Five Last Minute Gifts, sure to impress even the most discerning of…
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