Transcription: The Oran Follett Letters
Posted by Kaitlin Hooker, Bookmans Editorial Assistant Intern and UofA Student When the Bookmans Flagstaff roof collapsed in 2010, we were left with only a small stock of salvageable items. To rebuild our inventory, we set up temporary tents for locals to sell us their used…
Dos and Do Nots of Free Comic Book Day
This Saturday nerds and comic book readers once again take to the streets in an all out celebration of geek camaraderie. What joyous occasion sparks such action? What geekish event has us jazzed? What could occur that causes respectable members of society to squeeze into…
May The Fourth Be With You With These Helpful Tips
Calling all intergalactic bounty hunters, Storm Troopers and Cantina players: The Force is strong in you. If you have a valid opinion on who shoots first or if you can successfully explain what Han means when he says the Falcon made the Kessel Run in…
Blessed Feathers Returns to Flagstaff after Denmark Tour – Written by Paul Lee
It’s Bookmans’ good fortune to have so many talented coworkers and that includes Donivan Berube at Bookmans Flagstaff. Donivan and his collaborator/wife, Jacquelyn Beaupré, make up the alterna-folk band Blessed Feathers. This March and April, the duo took their magical sounds to Denmark for a 2-week tour. Donivan and Jacqulyn…
Caity Looks Forward to Tucson Attractions
After three years at Bookmans Flag, I, Caity Evans, Events Liaison and lover of Flagstaff, move on to new and thrilling adventures. Before you start rioting/dancing in the streets, know that, though I leave this beautiful mountain town, I do not leave Bookmans. As if…
I'm Paul Lee, the New Event Liaison for Bookmans Flagstaff – Written by Paul Lee
Hi guys, I’m Paul Lee. Wow, here I am working for one of my favorite stores in the country! As the new Events Liaison for Bookmans Flagstaff, I will continue the great work of Caity Evans, who is moving up in the organization, and add…
I’m Paul Lee, the New Event Liaison for Bookmans Flagstaff – Written by Paul Lee
Hi guys, I’m Paul Lee. Wow, here I am working for one of my favorite stores in the country! As the new Events Liaison for Bookmans Flagstaff, I will continue the great work of Caity Evans, who is moving up in the organization, and add…
The Force Is Strong with Star Wars Collectibles
Bookmans Flagstaff acquired a galaxy’s worth of Star Wars collectibles. From rare action figures to Star Wars fiction to lightsabers complete with sound effects, come see the out-of-this-world display in the front of our store. We love the tale from a long time ago in…
Bookmans Recommends: Current Movie Favorites
Bookmans has full-blown movie madness, an affliction we happily abide. From comedy to drama, cult classics to fantasy, sci-fi to all seven of the Fast and Furious properties, we go nuts for cinema. Our music buyers happily and repeatedly stock DVDs of fave films such…
Happee Birthdae Harry
In 1997 a tattered paperback made its way among the students in my forth grade class at Hansen Lane Elementary. When the book finally made it into my grubby hands, even though everyone demanded I read it, I dismissed the book. A few weeks later…
Kids Squeeze in Summer Fun at Bookmans Flagstaff
Free Summer Kids Events nears the end at Bookmans Flagstaff. As hard as it is to say goodbye, we couldn’t be happier about the time spent in the Kids Corner learning about space, birds of prey and all the cool things living in the Colorado…
Geek Games 2015 Recap
While our Mesa and Phoenix brethren attended Phoenix Comicon in all its geeky glory, we up north put on a geek culture celebration of our own — Geek Games 2015. The first annual Geek Games took place with all the tournaments, activities and competitions we…
Bookmans Flagstaff Local Artist Showcase
There is nothing like the art community in Flagstaff. Rich with culture and variety, you can see works from local artists in almost every local business. From paintings to photography to the vast ceramics and sculpture community, our humble mountain town offers opportunity to the…
Get Your Java at Bookmans Cafe
Bookmans is the place for great deals on all forms of entertainment, but Bookmans Flagstaff has an extra goodie in store for you — great coffee. Nestled in the corner of Bookmans Flag is the Bookmans Cafe. With locally sourced coffee beans and baked goods…
Adult Crafts at Bookmans Flagstaff
On the second Friday of each month Bookmans Flag plays host to Adult Craft Night. We attempt various crafts and DIY projects we’ve stumbled upon on Pinterest or seen in the Blogosphere. Because most of these projects involve using tools like the hot glue gun,…
Graphic Novels at Bookmans Flagstaff
Bookmans Flagstaff has acquired a huge collection of graphic novels. A Bookmans patron brought in an astounding collection to our trade counter and, though Bookmans has carried graphic novels and comic books for a long time, the addition of his 20-year collection put us on…
Bookmans' Gallery Is Where It's At
Bookmans has awesome stuff. From vintage books to cult movies, our place is a playground. The Bookmans Gallery is full of collectibles to turn your place of residence into a home. Gathering items from the community, our buyers are on the look out for rare…
Bookmans’ Gallery Is Where It’s At
Bookmans has awesome stuff. From vintage books to cult movies, our place is a playground. The Bookmans Gallery is full of collectibles to turn your place of residence into a home. Gathering items from the community, our buyers are on the look out for rare…
A Graveyard Smash at Bookmans Flagstaff
We don’t want it to end, but sadly it must. October, the spookiest month of the year is coming to a close. Before we pack up the cobwebs, skeletons and other forms of Halloween paraphernalia adorning Bookmans Flagstaff, let us reflect on the fun we…
A Love Letter to Summers in Flagstaff
With Fall’s arrival, the folks at Bookmans Flagstaff feel nostalgic for our little mountain oasis. Flagstaff has much to offer year-around but the summers here are in a league of their own. From hiking urban trails to creek days to outdoor festivals like our beloved…
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