May Featured Artists at Bookmans!
Featured Artists are heading to Bookmans stores throughout Arizona! Bookmans stores have been introducing some amazing local artists to our spaces since February. This May we’ve got a featured artist at four Bookmans stores! Tucson welcomes three incredible artisans who are making a big splash…
Celebrate Earth Day with this DIY craft
Hello, fellow Earthlings! In honor of Earth Day on April 22nd, I’m sharing one of my favorite things: Do-it-yourself reusable shopping bags. If you are anything like my friends who have heard me talk exuberantly (i.e. endlessly) about this, you may be just plain over…
Why I Read to My Dog
We all know a dog is (wo)man’s best friend. While most dogs aren’t performing the ancient tasks we bred them to do anymore, they’ve found new ways to love us unconditionally. Your dog is always there if you need help pre-rinsing the dishes, he doesn’t…
Bookmans Interviews: Author Gene Luen Yang!
OMG, you guys! Bookmans had the HUGE privilege of speaking with the fantastic author and illustrator Gene Luen Yang this week. We cannot express how much this interview has been a tremendous boon for Bookmans. We had TWO Bookmans marketing team members talk to Mr….
Totally Bingeable T.V. and Me
Like the typical Bookmans customer and employee, I spend a lot of my free time reading books, playing video games (catch me twice a week online with our sponsored streamers What What Media Group), listening to music, and above all things, binge-watching all the TV…
5 Black Women Who Made History (& Wrote About It)
It’s Black History Month, and we hope you are celebrating the Black voices who make history and are shaping the world today. I couldn’t let this month draw to a close without bringing attention to voices who overcame the “double handicap,” in the words of…
Bookmans Live Auction Item List for Feb 2021!
The next Bookmans Live Auction is happening Feb 12, 2021 at 7:30 PM on Facebook Live at @Bookmans and it will be hosted by All Puppet Players’ Hamlet! All items below will be up for auction and are only available via the live auction on…
MLK Day Interactive Event
This year Bookmans stores are celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with displays in each of our stores. As one of the leaders of the civil rights movement, Dr. King’s impact continues to affect the movements of today. As racial…
Hello, 2021, Goodbye 2020!
Goodbye, 2020, and hello 2021! Let’s not part without a few words. Bookmans is so grateful to everyone in our communities who prioritized local businesses like ours, kept our communities safe with your sacrifice and service, wore and still wear masks to protect others, and…
Lovecraft Monster or Middle Earth Character?
Want more quizzes from Bookmans? Try this How Well Do You Remember Beetlejuice quiz!
Wait, What? Trivia!
One of my absolute favorite things about working at Bookmans is being able to turn my hobbies into my job. From hosting book clubs, weekly rounds of Dungeons and Dragons, and talking to customers about everything from TV shows to the latest R&B album that…
Holiday Hours 2020 – 2021
Bookmans has some new holiday hours coming up starting December 14th! We’re staying open late to give you plenty of time to shop for everyone on your list. There’s no better gift than a locally-purchased one! Check out the upcoming store hours below. We’ll see…
We’ve Got Your Favorite Things Covered
What are your favorite things? Everyone has some favorite things that they love to collect, share, and decorate their lives with. The holidays are all about giving others something incredibly special, and that includes yourself as well. If you’re a fan of books, music, movies,…
December Brings Our Favorite Things!
Boy, oh boy, does Bookmans have exactly what you’re looking for this holiday season! A whole lot of your favorite entertainment options in one store? Yes. A safe space for you to browse or grab something curbside to check off every giftee on your list?…
Get Cooking With Bookmans in November!
Bookmans is ready to make November the best month of the year! We’ve got new store hours, ways to show some kindness, and plenty of reasons to make Bookmans the place you do all of your local shopping for the holidays! First, let’s start with…
Spread Kindness with ThanksgivingBACK Books!
Bookmans has long been a supporter of literacy, and you can be too with ThanksgivingBACK! You’ve heard it before – reading is fundamental. That means that literacy is an essential skill that children can build on from early childhood. Literacy helps children develop necessary groundwork…
Are You Bookmans Phoenix’s New Marketing Coordinator?
*This position has been filled* If you’ve ever been to a Bookmans event, stopped at a Bookmans table out at a local fair or festival to snag some swag, or watched a staff member snapping pictures of displays and items in the store with fierce…
Ready or Not (2019): A Reactions Read
It’s now the middle of October and my spooky season movie watching has only progressed into a full-time obsession. From my Scream franchise marathon to the greatness that is Hocus Pocus and the Halloweentown movies, I’ve really been watching everything across the board. But, let’s…
Bookmans Recommends: A Twilight Renaissance
Do you have a book, a hobby, a musician, or a movie that you would call your “guilty pleasure”? Are you nervous to openly admit your like of something due to fear of backlash? Buckle up, friends. Today I am telling you all about my…
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